Monday, March 22, 2010

How Much Exercise Is Too Much?

Friday night I realized that it has become a chore just for me to walk to the video store and back. This is a walk we have done a lot, usually also going to the mall which is another 2 city blocks away. By the time we got home from renting videos I wasn't sure I had enough energy to stay up and watch one.
Rawley watched Pokemon till it was bedtime then Ryan and I watched The Informant. It was....weird. That's about all I can say..oh and it was long too.

Saturday morning I had a great idea that we should somehow figure out how to jam all our bikes in my trunk and head to Stanley Park. We tried and failed. My car is just too small and out bikes are just too big. When we first got bikes I looked into getting a bike rack, but they are so expensive ($100+), then I thought about asking for one for Christmas or my birthday, but it was cold and wet through winter and a bike rack was not the first thing on my mind.

Rawley was heart broken we were not going to go anywhere to ride but around Abbotsford. I know this because he whined about it all the way to Wal-mart. "This sucks", "We always ride in Abbotsford", "There is no where cool to go", "I don't even want to go." It was about this time I told him to be quiet or we will not do anything and he can spend the day in his room.

While at Wal-mart finding shirts that fit over my growing belly and a bike seat pad for Ryan's tender bum, we decided to look and see what they sell bike racks for. Hmm $39.00 on sale. After much humming and hawing over it we bought the bike rack, went home to get our bikes, packed our lunches and off we went to Stanley Park.

~Ryan, finishing off installation of rack & bikes~

We knew it would be busy at Stanley Park as it was Saturday, but it was the busiest I have ever seen it. There was no parking all the way around. We were directed into the middle of the park to get a spot. In total we rode about 11kms. I almost gave up twice. Bike riding is not the same when you are 6 months pregnant. You know how you when normal people pedal their legs pump up and down. Well I had the luxury of pedalling out then up & down. Which I mean is not so bad until you have to climb a hill. It is way easier to push hard when your knees are in line with your body not hanging out to the side like your are riding a horse.

~Olympics Rings~

~Beautiful Cherry Blossoms~

~Huge Ship passing under Lions Gate Bridge~

We did pack a lunch as to not spend anymore money, but I was hungry by the time we got to Second Beach so we shared a large order of Fries before Rawley went off to play at the park.
~waiting for Fries~
~The crazy thin slide at the park~


~going under the tunnel~

~more Cherry Blossoms~

~Another tunnel, Rawley's favorite part~

On our way home we stopped in to say 'Hi' to my grandma & grandpa. When we were in the states we bought grandma some PayDay chocolate bars. The peanut & Caramel ones have no chocolate in them so they are a treat for her because she is allergic to chocolate.
Sunday was more of a responsible boring day. Grocery shopping & Cleaning. Rawley had to clean his room. Ryan had take out garbage and recycling and I got to scrub the boys bathroom. Ryan's parents are coming to stay with us next week and I would rather die than have them see the boy's bathroom. It is clean enough now you can eat off the floor behind the toilet (yeah, that clean)... The boys have been threatened to keep it that way for at least 2 weeks or else......


rachel joy said...

how was that slide? It's the same as the one at the new playground at Mill Lake.

Tammy said...

Rawley seemed to manage it okay but some smaller kids were falling off and the bottom turn. What an odd concept. They seem to be trying to make everything safer than they go and tale the sides off the slides. Hmmm


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