Monday, August 30, 2010

When I Have Time

One day when I have spare time again I want to paint our dinning room furniture. This is the closest I can find to what I am looking for. I have not cleared this by Ryan yet though so it is probably a good thing I do not have the time to do it. I can still dream though.

Well, Everett has been asleep for a bit now and should be waking soon, guess I better get to the things I actually have to do:
*dump powdered formula down the drain
make last can of liquid formula
go buy more liquid formula
tidy the living room
pay bills
go find where I have to pay rent and do it.......

* Ryan and I decided that we could switch Everett off liquid formula and start him on powdered formula. We have two cans of it here that was sent to us from Nestle. Everett, however, thinks this is a bad idea. After screaming for 30 minutes and absolutely refusing to drink any of the powdered formula I finally broke down and made him a new bottle with be honest I am not sure what Ryan and I were thinking. With all the tummy troubles he has been having I don't know why we would temp fate and try something new. Duh!


Meredith said...

Oooo, I love that! The kitchen is your domain, who cares what Ryan thinks? ;)

Tammy said...

I'll be sure to let him know how you feel about it.


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