Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Month Gone By

Well it was brought to my attention yesterday That I am coming up on a month with out posting anything on my blog. I knew it had been a few weeks but wow that month flew by. It has been a busy month.
I have to start my blog with this beautiful photo. Everyday I am just taken aback by the beauty that surrounds me here. Everything is white and peaceful. When hoarfrost covers everything it honestly takes my breath away. Then you go out and see all the deer and you just can't doubt that God exists. I love it here.

Christmas was wonderful and chaotic all at the same time. I loved having all the time with Ryan's parents and knowing that the next day neither one of us were getting on a plane to go home. We had three full days of visiting, pigging out and having drinks. It was great. Unfortunately it was all a little too much for our littlest boy. He was completely overwhelmed by it all. On top of being sick he had a rough time. I am happy to announce that having him around and encouraged others to hold off on having any (or anymore) babies. Glad to know Everett is doing his part at stopping the world from becoming over populated.

~Rawley and Everett playing at Grandma's~

~Everett opening his stocking~

~Everett's book and toy from Great Grandma Jenkins~

~Rawley playing Santa on boxing day~

It has been pretty cold here so not many kids are playing outside. Oddly enough it doesn't seem to bother Rawley and he is sad that no one wants to play outside. So a few times we have gone out to play with him in the snow.

During Christmas break Rawley go t the chance to go to Pony Camp. Some people who had paid could not make it so Rawley got to go for free. It was really awesome for him to spend the time outside and learn all about how to take care of a horse. They also learned survival skills. Unfortunately one of the days was like -30 outside and the kids were freezing and miserable.
~Rawley's pony; Peanut~
Rawley is usually a big help with Everett. Sometimes I just need a few minutes peace to do dishes or make dinner and Rawley will usually step in and help entertain Everett. This is him playing hockey in the kitchen for Everett. Everett loves to watch Rawley do almost anything.

A few pictures of my boys just being cute.

The first full week on January Ryan was working out of town. This always makes my job extra hard because dealing with Everett for that long alone is beyond exhausting. While Rawley was still on holidays I took the opportunity to go into Winnipeg and visit with my friend Janie. We decided to stay the night there. It was nice to have someone else to hang out with. Janie has a 5 year old and a 4 month old baby. We were able to share baby stories and keep each other company through feedings, naps and meal time. It was really nice.
Everett and Annika are pretty close to the same size. Everett might have a pound or two on her but she is the same length as him for sure.
Rawley and Corrina are also about the same size even though there is almost 4 years between them. Rawley is an inch or 2 taller for now. Janie took us to the Manitoba Museum and the kids had a blast. This is Rawley and Corrina building their cars to race on the track.

Everett is growing up so much he is a pro at sitting up by himself now. He rarely falls over anymore. This is him watching Rawley race his care.
Rawley and Corrina were so excited to board an old sail boat. They went down into the cabin and out all over the deck. It was actually pretty cool. Everett was more than miserable and would not nap. I was however able to get this one happy shot of him and the cannons.
Life has been a little crazy here lately. With Everett being on his very expensive formula and us not having medical to cover Rawley's medication anymore we are trying to find way of saving and making money. I am currently looking for a part time job to bring in a little extra cash. As well I have been making tag blankets for babies. Everett and Annika both love theirs and I am hoping the idea catches on quick.
So far I have been trying to sell them on facebook and a local classified website. It is not going quite as well as I had hoped. Later today I am going to go to a local baby store in town and see if they will sell them there for me. I will also be on the look out for any craft sales around that I can set up a booth. Hopefully the part time job or the tag blankets brings in some more cash for us. Children sure can be expensive.
Everett is my advertising model. Pretty cute eh?
Ryan's job is still going very well. He had a week off at Christmas but has been working a lot of overtime since then. It seems they are pretty booked up for the next couple months at least so that is a good sign.
Cute baby bathing in the sink.
Cute baby sitting on the floor.
Rawley has started his morning group and I have started my Positive Parenting Program. Both are going well and I plan to have a separate blog all about that. For now I think I see some improvement if anything Rawley is feeling good about himself which is a start.
Now, this bog has gone on forever and has had no flow to it what so ever. But I Hope it gives you a small idea of what we have been up to lately.
Got to go!


Lindsay said...

All those photos warm my heart! I love the one of Rawley and Everett in the snow, way too cute!

Tammy said...

Thanks Lindsay. You rock for commenting.

Merry said...

Thanks for the update Tammy! I miss the Walkers, damn Manitoba for stealing them!!

Shirley said...

Tammy! You do a GREAT job of blogging! Sometimes it is just good for one to "vent." My diaries have always done that for me. (Of course no-one gets to read them, & they are programmed to self-destruct if I die!!!)
Ila was reading me parts of your blog, so I took the liberty of coming on! I love it, & the pics are so precious!
Wonder what sort of part-time job you are looking for?


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