Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to Everett

I made a really great video of Everett through his first year but blogger will not let me post. :( So you will just get a few great pics of his party.

Everett being just cute at 11 months old.

Everett's awesome Puma shoes that I bought on eBrandon for $10

Rawley helping him open his gifts

Rawley helping him ride his new toy

Everett's first birthday cake, same cake I made for Rawley's first birthday.

Everett trying out the cake.

Everett did not eat much of the cake but he was cute anyway

What is a party without beer, right?

Uncle Al played with him when it was getting late and he was getting tired.

We got in the car to drive home and Everett was asleep in about 2 minutes. This is so unusual for Everett. He usually screams for a while in the car before giving in and falling asleep. I guess that is a sign that he had fun.



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