Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Peppermint Oil

Still having headaches. Today's did not come on until about 12:30 and it is not as bad as they have been. I suppose I am thankful.

I finally got a hold of my Midwife today in regards to using Peppermint Oil. She told me I should research it on the internet because she really does not know much about it. She did tell me that if the headaches are that bad I should see the doctor and get a perscription for T3s. I don't want to talk T3s while I am pregnant.

So, I researched it on the internet and found more good than bad. 90% of articles I read said you should avoid it completely while pregnant. It is a Uterine Stimulant which could cause miscarriage and early dilivery of a baby. It may also cause Birth defect.

I did read personal stories from people that have used it and nothing happened, but no actual articles that tell you to use it.


Any other ideas?


Dave said...

So sorry to hear you are having such bad headaches. That makes the days so hard to get through, yuck. And even worse when you can't do a thing about them.
The only think I can think of, that sounds really silly, and you may already be doing, is making sure you halt the caffine, and up the water/non caffine tea.. whatever drink would hydrate you... but that could lead to worse headaches initially if your body is addicted to caffine. Anyway, besides being tired, I know that dehydration triggers headaches for me.
Might there be something else in diet/drink that would be worth looking into? I am eating so badly these days I'm not one to talk, but just thought that might be an area worth examining.

With the hair, I would be a big fan of seeing any pictures if you do decide to go with a new hair style! For hair colors, my favorite on people is always as-close-to-natural as possible, while still being fun. Seems to bring out the best features. I can't say that I know your natural color anymore? Is it light brown, dark brown?
What kind of "trendy" hair styles were you thinking? I've been thinking about a hair style change again, but I like to keep it short so I can style it easily, and I love the way it has been the last while, so i'm hesitant to change it. Anyway, make sure you put of pictures if you change anything!
Take care!

Dave said...

Ops, that last comment was suppose to be from Janie! Although that would be funny if it were dave talking!

I was going to tell you about my favorite makeup, and tips to make it work: Body Shop. Lots of variety of moisturizers, cleansers, etc... and I LOVE their 3 in 1 powder. I have never use a light powder that covers like a foundation and stays all day! I usualy ask the ladies for help in choosing, and they also do "make overs" if you are actually interested in how to use a product. I always try to find a gal who's makeup I like, and ask for their advice. I swear by their makeup now. Oh, the best part if that you can get the powder wet and use it as foundation, and than it dries to look like a smooth powder.. or use it like a concelear in some areas. anyway, hope you find some new treat to help yourself feel great throughout the day!

rachel joy said...

cute Janie, I was so impressed that Dave was taking such interest in your friend. What a nice guy!

Tylenol is fine to take during pregnancy, just NOT Advil or any kind of Ibuprofen. If you have that kind of pain, don't be afraid to take care of it. If it was just a little ache or pain now and then you don't need to be popping pills, but you need to be feeling better so you're well rested and using your energy to grow that baby. Agreeing with Janie about the caffeine and water intake.

Tammy said...

Well, Dave IS a nice guy, but I figured it was you. :)
Thanks for the advise. I drink so much water that it is nearly insane, but I could do more veggies probably.
I did my hair. I went black again, which is quite close to my natural dark brown.
I felt prettier today. :)
I will have to check out The Body Shop for sure though Janie.
Rachel, I have been taking Tylenol with no relief at all. Tylenol 3 kinda scares me but I suppose if the doc perscribes it, it must be safe though.
I worry a lot.

Thanks Girls!!!

Mum of 3 Wise men said...

T3's are fine. Don't worry to much about the codine. I took them with Elijah but in very small doses. The bad thing is that headaches go along with the baby game and well into their childhood. LOL. Can you take advil or alieve?

Tammy said...

Not allowed to take anything but Tylenol. I am pretty sure they are hormonal headaches because the Chiroprater is not helping at all. Next week I see my widwife so I will make a desicion then as to what to do.

rachel joy said...

no advil!


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