Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seeing the Good in the Bad

Last night I had to run out to Safeway to get water. We don't drink the city water here because it gives Rawley and I an upset stomach. I was not feeling so hot and really didn't want to go. Ryan and Rawley got free tickets to the Wheat Kings game though so Ryan wasn't around to help me. I bundled up Everett and headed out. As we were crossing the river I looked down and there were about 20-30 deer all walking single file up the river along their well beaten path. It was such a beautiful sight I wished I had a camera with me.
The river is still frozen and covered in snow and it looks so peaceful as the deer walked along. In the end I was really happy I had to go out to get water or I would have missed seeing that.

Then last night I was feeling really deathly sick. I spent the majority of the evening curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor or tossing and turning in bed completely taken over my pain. It was an awful experience...However, While I was up and down I noticed that the skies were lit up in a beautiful green. So I stood at the window a few minutes and watched the Northern Lights. Now I would not opt to have all the pain and nausea again just to see the northern lights, but if I am trying to see the good in the bad that is it.

Oh and Everett is crawling. The good? We are so excited that he can get to his toys and keep himself a little happier. The Bad? Now we have to keep the floors really clean, make sure everythign is up high and kee babygates up. But Ya!


Shirley said...

Surely hope "The Bug" passes off SOON! Thanks for seeing & sharing, the "Special" midst the opposite!!

Lindsay said...

Good for you, I think if everyone tried to see at least 1 good thing in every bad situation or like you, think of something they would have missed out on, we'd be a lot less stressed. Miss you xoxo


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