Wednesday, August 17, 2011

High Needs Family

We have had a busy few weeks here; it seems like every day we have something to do. It is never really anything exciting (doctors appointments, physio, ot, counselling, work) but it keeps us busy.

Yesterday we spent the whole day contemplating buying a new sofa. We went to the furniture store 3 times throughout the day trying t0 find one we both liked in our price range. We went home without one. We talked for hours last night about it and decided that we need to see a few more before we make our choice. Because I work at dufresne furniture I get a few special deals. But there was nothing in my store that was going to fit in our living room that we liked, so tomorrow when Ryan and I go to Winnipeg we are going to check out Dufresne there and see if they have anything different on their floor. Hopefully in the next week or two we will have purchased new couch. That should give us time to mouse proof our house a little better before the furniture arrives.

Rawley has been enjoying his summer, but I think he is ready to go back to school. He needs to get back on a schedule. I am not sure how our mornings are going to go though. After having almost 2 months to lounge around in the morning and not get ready for anything, it is going to be a shock to his system to have to get up and get ready for school. I think we will start our new morning routine next week though to help him have some time to get back on schedule.

Rawley is in with his counsellor right now. He has been going to weekly counselling sessions here at the child and adolescent treatment centre. I think it is really good for him. We have also been filling out a lot of paperwork for him to meet a psychologist in October. I am looking forward to having someone work one on one with him and his meds. They have a suspicion that he may also suffy from anxiety disorder so we will be looking at coping with that as well. I think with all the help he is receiving here and all the love he gets t home he will do just fine. I just need to work on my patients a little still.

Everett had an appointment with his pediatrician last Tuesday and I cannot say I am overly happy with what he suspects is wrong with Everett. We have been aware of Everett’s food sensitivities for some time now and have been catering to them. We definitely know that it is helping but yet we still struggle with many things with him

After we explained all this to the doctor he asked a few questions and then came to a conclusion. Everett’s pediatrician seems to think that his nervous system is out of whack, he is low on serotonin and will have sensitivities to all things not just food. He may be sensitive to lights, sounds, people, colours, toys…. Our job will be to keep a daily journal of his life and figure out what his triggers are. So, it appears he is going to be a bit of a difficult one. We will have a lot of trial and error to go through with him. Hopefully it will not take long to fnd some things that soothe him and make him comfortable.

Oh Rawley is done, time to go.


tina said...

Tammy you are such a wonderful mom and do such a great job taking care of your family! cheers to you! (and Ryan too of course!)

About Everett's sensitivities.. I haven't seen too much of it with Arden but we have a bunch of preemies in our family that do have those kinds of environmental sensitivities... mostly having to do with noise and sound. Arden's sound sensitivity seems to be fading as she is getting a bit older. Hopefully you will be able to figure them out and adjust accordingly!You sure have stayed on top of the food issues, I'm so glad that you can voice yourself and ask for the help that you need!

hugs and love to all of you!

Tammy said...

Thanks Tina, you are so sweet!


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