Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And The Husband of the Year Award Goes To.....


I cannot describe how loved and cared for I have felt through this whole experience. Ryan has been by my side for every contraction, bathroom trip, needle,(and there have been lots..4 IVs, and epidural, plenty blood work...) chest pain, vitals check.... He has been my food getter and often feeder, my water fetcher, my bed tucker, my foot rubber, my forehead kisser, my coach, my cheerleader, my encourager....

Nothing has grossed him out or made him look away. When he looks at my huge swollen elephant feet he tells me they are beautiful. When I say I look awful he tells me I look like a mom. He let me hold Everett the entire time Monday night. He lovingly pushes me in my wheelchair and has managed to maneuver holding open heavy door while pushing through my wheel chair and IV pole. be continued. I am being discharged right now.


tina said...

yay Ryan!!!! what a good guy!


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