Monday, May 3, 2010

Moving Sale Over.

It was nice that I had Ryan & Rawley's help with getting the signs all ready for the moving sale. Rawley was awesome and colouring in all my block letters. I was not feeling so hot that night so sitting up for any period of time was hard. They were huge helps.
Our moving sale was not a total lose. I admit it could have been warmer, sunnier or even just dryer, but we still did okay. After paying out Rawley for some of the toys he sold we were just short of our goal for the weekend so that is a positive. The negative was that the big furniture did not sell which meant moving it out and back into the house both days. Ryan did almost all the big stuff himself which was awesome. I still made a hundred trips in and out with smaller furniture and other stuff though. Rawley had swimming and a birthday party to go to on Saturday which kept him occupied. (Thank you dad for taking him to swimming & Thank you Erin for having him over). Sunday was a little more challenging. He played 2 hours of DS and watched too much tv. He did come outside to eat with us, run around the house and smash rocks with a sledge hammer. A sledge hammer that I can barely lift might I add. He was searching for jewels inside the rocks.

We sold about half the stuff on Saturday and then were left with slim pickings on Sunday. The picture below shows our attempt to keep out the rain and wind. It did it's job pretty good I must say. Dad and Ryan set it up on Saturday morning. The boys were all so helpful this weekend. Rawley even helped bring stuff out and back into the house.

Sunday at 4pm we took down the moving sale sign and made news sings that read "FREE". We taped those up to the street sign and our tarp then went grocery shopping. When we got back almost all the little stuff was gone. We were left with 2 dressers, a computer desk, Rawley's bed and a 12" tv. All of which will end up on Freecycle some time this week. So all in all it was good. Boy are we tired now though.
Last night Ryan had roller hockey at 9pm too I have no idea where he found the energy to do that but he was pretty excited so I am sure he found the energy somewhere.



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