Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Dinner

Rawley's birthday went wonderfully. I over cleaned, over decorated, over cooked and then over cleaned again. The following day I was exhausted but it was so worth it. Rawley had a great time and it was so nice to spend it with family.
This year is the first year that I did not make Rawley a fun special cake from scratch and I am a little disappointed. Although, Dairy Queen does make a good ice-cream cake and Rawley seemed just as pleased.
This is also the first year that Rawley did not get to have a party with friends. Due to me being on bed rest and us never knowing what day exactly Nudge is coming we decided it was just too stressful to plan anything. (Expensive as well) Instead we are taking him and a friend out for lunch and to the movies on Sunday.
It was really nice that Rawley received gifts from a few extra special people though to make up for not getting gifts from friends. Thank you to Nana Keys, Owyn's Nana & Sophie. It was very special for him to have gifts & cards from you.
These are the shoes that I broke down and bought for Rawley. He has had his eye on them for over a month. Me being the anti-skull mom thought he did not need to have them, but since all the other kids wear skulls and the shoes were just so cute.... I caved. He was super excited.
Papa and Rawley are trying to figure out a crazy hard puzzle here. They never did solve it. I am going to take the next crack at it.
So, all in all Rawley had a pretty special birthday.


Knitting4fun said...

It looks like a fun birthday party. I like Rawley's new shoes. It must be quite the puzzle is Papa and Rawley couldn't get it.


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