Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

My Mothers Day has been very good so far. It started out pretty early with breakfast in bed and an hour of Gilmore Girls. Then we headed out to Mill Lake for a small walk and Rawley to play at the park. Rawley has had a stomach flu since Thursday evening so he has been cooped up inside the house. It was nice to have him out running around. This is the new park. It is very abstract.
Rawley showed me how to use all the stuff at the park. He had a good time and the weather was beautiful. Also when you go to the park at 9:30 am it is nice and quiet.

~I played on the swings for a bit with Rawley~

~Rawley & Ryan played on...this~

~Rawley climbed some more~

We finished off with a little walk because that is all I could do. After a small rest at home I got the afternoon off to go visit with my friend, Sophie, while the boys went and did their own thing. I understand that Mothers Day is probably a day you should spend with your family, but for me it was very special to get the afternoon off to go out alone and visit. Sophie made me a wonderful roasted chicken lunch and we sat all afternoon and talked. She is so inspirational to me and a very wise women all around. Every time I leave her house I feel smarter and more ready to face the day to day life. I am blessed to have people like her in my life.

We are now just relaxing at home and watching the game, which is going very well so far. I hope our boys can keep it up for another period.

Once Ryan leaves for hockey I will dye my hair and then go to bed early.

Happy Mothers Day to me & all the other mom's out there.



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