Friday, February 25, 2011
The other nigh Everett had a horrible night sleep and was up early. Ryan was away and I was exhausted. So I figured when Everett has his morning nap I would too. The problem was I had to go get diapers and they were on sale at Zellers. By the time we dropped Rawley off at morning group Everett was asleep in the car. This never happens. I figured if I woke him up when we got to Zellers he would be up and play for a bit and then still nap when we got home. The problem is he would not wake up. I took him out of his car seat and held him up. I talked to him, let the snow fall on his face and unwrapped him a bit...nothing. So he slept through the whole shopping trip, woke up as soon as I put him back in the car and completely skipped the rest of his morning nap. boo.
It did make for cute pictures though.
Today Rawley has to go to the dentist and get a huge cavity filled. He has asked a lot of questions, knows he has to get a needle and is terrified. I feel so awful for him because I remember when I was little and had to get so many cavities filled. I cried (more like bawled) every time I got there because I was so afraid of the needles. I also feel bad because I passed my horrible, weak, cavity prone teeth on to him. I am glad that Grandma is keeping Everett so I can focus all my attention on Rawley.
Everett looks like Rawley in these photos. Very cute pics!
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