Friday, July 16, 2010

Scratch that

I thought I had it all figured out, but I was wrong.

Our day yesterday & so far today has involved a lot of crying/screaming. I am not sure if it is gas or constipation. He gets some relief when he farts or has a little poop.

Pretty much if he is not sleeping he is crying. Thank God he is sleeping right now.

I am exhausted but it I fall asleep now he may be awake crying in 10 minutes and that is harder to deal with than if I just stayed up.

We tried catnip tea yesterday and will continue to try it for a few more days. Everett is not so keen on drinking it though. If Catnip does not work...we will try Careaway next.

Poor Rawley is taking the brunt of my exhaustion. I have lost all patience with him. Glad he is at Hand-in-Hand today playing with other kids.



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