Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This That & The Next Thing

Everett had to have a bath and get all cleaned up and smelling good before Grandpa W. got here last Thursday. Grandma was around to take some cute pictures. This was Everett's last bath in his roasting pan. We have moved on to bigger and better things.

Everett has the best after bath fuzzy hair ever. He looks so cute.
Getting some daddy cuddles.
Saturday night Ryan and I got a night out. Grandma & Grandpa stayed home with both boys so that we could go celebrate my sister-in-laws birthday with her and some friends. We also took advantage of a night out and went for dinner alone. While I was in the hospital I was not allowed to eat for the majority of the time and Ryan was enjoying all kinda of food. I told him that once I was out he owed me dinner at Olive Garden. So we went there for pre-party dinner.
While at home with Grandma & Grandpa, Everett watched in amazement while Rawley played marble works. Grandma took some great pictures.


DAve and JAnie said...

Oh my word, these are the cutest pictures! Everett is the cutest little guy! He looks like he is growing and filling out in the face. The first photo really reminds me of Rawley's baby pictures. Glad you got to go on a date night, and to eat out! That's fantastic! It's so nice to get out of the house, and dress up and socialize. So cool you have family there. We are really looking forward to see you really soon.

Leah Schouten said...

Aww, the fuzzy after-bath hair is super cute!


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