Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I Still Love Him.
As I write this Everett is crying away in his bouncy chair. Much like he does almost all the time he is not being held, patted, swayed....
It is lonely when the only friends I have are online, therefore I have to be at the computer to have any sort of connection with them. I never get to the computer though because my baby never lets me. Well, I can come to the computer and have my little baby sitting beside me in his bouncy chair having a fit.
Seriously..how do all you mothers out there have these cute little babies that coo and lay on the floor and kick their legs....babies that are contend to hold a rattle in their hands....or babies that will nap on there own without waking up every 20 minutes and needing to be comforted again....
So not fair.
Sometimes it is nice to be able to just go out.. Everett will fall asleep in his car seat and usually stay asleep for a few minutes in a store. Or at least if I have to hold him it doesn't seem to matter because we are out and about anyway....but in order to go out I need at least 20 minutes to myself to shower (maybe) get dressed, put minimal make-up on and get a diaper bag ready....but that takes so much effort that I may as well just give up, grab the remote and go back to the couch in my jammies with my screaming baby.
Well I suppose I have let him scream long enough I am starting to feel guilty...best be going.
Oh I would take a wonderful red faced screaming baby picture for you to go with this post but our camera is dead and finding the charger for it would require me to put the baby down and look through boxes. Sorry
Monday, August 30, 2010
When I Have Time
Well, Everett has been asleep for a bit now and should be waking soon, guess I better get to the things I actually have to do:
*dump powdered formula down the drain
make last can of liquid formula
go buy more liquid formula
tidy the living room
pay bills
go find where I have to pay rent and do it.......
* Ryan and I decided that we could switch Everett off liquid formula and start him on powdered formula. We have two cans of it here that was sent to us from Nestle. Everett, however, thinks this is a bad idea. After screaming for 30 minutes and absolutely refusing to drink any of the powdered formula I finally broke down and made him a new bottle with liquid....to be honest I am not sure what Ryan and I were thinking. With all the tummy troubles he has been having I don't know why we would temp fate and try something new. Duh!
Introduction to Our House
This is Everett's room. We do not have a crib yet, but will need one soon. He is quickly growing out of his bassinet.
Monday, August 23, 2010
What To Do
I can manage the screaming crying baby during the day...but it would be a lot easier if i could get some sleep at night too. Everett has a really hard time burping when he is really tired and I think that is the cause of half his night time tummy problems. He wakes up just thrashing his head back and forth and moaning. He pulls his legs up and the shoots them back out and if I don't tend to him quick enough it turns into a full blown cry. It starts anywhere between 3am and 5 am and lasts until usually 8am.
Everett spent 2 nights in his own room and is back in our room. I find it just easier that way. When the pains first come on I can roll over, give him his sucky and pat his back for a bit until the cramp goes away. I can do this every 5-10 minutes for almost an hour. Then he gets in so much pain that I have to pick him up and pat his back constantly. He is still very tired and as long as I am rocking him or patting his back in a slightly elevated position he can mostly sleep through the pain, but as soon as I stop moving him or patting him he is crying again.
This means that from 3 or 5 till 8 I have to stay awake and pat pat pat rock rock rock sway sway sway. As you can imagine I do not get much sleep. About last Friday the tears started...for me... I just didn't know if i could handle it anymore. My crying woke Ryan up and he took over for a few hours before he had to go to work. Later that day I had another breakdown....I am so sleep deprived and now have a very bad cold (probably because I have little sleep)
What I don't know is is this something that Everett is just going to grow out of and if so when? Or is there maybe something actually wrong with him? The specialist we had in Abbotsford said as long as he is gaining weight he is healthy...although not happy and clearly in a lot of pain....he is still healthy.
What does that mean? There is nothing we can do for him? And how can we know for sure something is not more wrong. Is is right for a baby to be in the much pain every night? It is so frustrating.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Made With Love
This is a blanket that Grandma Pat knitted. Rawley has a matching but larger one. They are so soft and wonderful.
This was supposed to be Everett's coming home outfit, but when he arrived 5 weeks early he was 1/2 the size of it. I think it will fit him now. He may just wear it Friday night if we go to camp fire and the camp ground. Grandma Pat also made this.
And this brings me to what I think is my all time favorite piece so far. This was also made by Helen who is an amazing quilter and has been teaching Crystal. This play mat rocks because the tags are sewn in so that you can attach toys. Everett thinks it is cool, he has already made friends with the little doggy on it.
Happy Holloween?
I decided that Mario was doable.
We went to a few different second hand stores for the clothes. I made the hat and painted buttons for the yellow buttons.
Rawley tried it on today to make sure he looked like Mario.
He seemed happy with the results.
Tomorrow morning Grandma will pick him up and take him to the trailer and then he will go trick-or-treating tomorrow night.
I think he looks great.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Truth
I feel so blessed to have this wonderful beautiful cuddly little man in my life.
However, the pictures that I post on my blog and facebook of him do not really accurately depict our typical day. Or at least the larger portion of our day.
So I took these pictures to give you an idea of what my day really looks like.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Move
Rawley standing beside the Columbia River in Kicking Horse Pass. We made it about 20 minutes out of Golden before Everett wanted to eat.
This is the storm we drove through on the way back to Regina. There was so much rain you could barely see, plus the sun was shinning so bright from the other side it was almost blinding. That was our 5th storm of the day.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Everett also got some great cuddles with Papa.