Tuesday, August 31, 2010


.....with all the screaming.

As I write this Everett is crying away in his bouncy chair. Much like he does almost all the time he is not being held, patted, swayed....

It is lonely when the only friends I have are online, therefore I have to be at the computer to have any sort of connection with them. I never get to the computer though because my baby never lets me. Well, I can come to the computer and have my little baby sitting beside me in his bouncy chair having a fit.

Seriously..how do all you mothers out there have these cute little babies that coo and lay on the floor and kick their legs....babies that are contend to hold a rattle in their hands....or babies that will nap on there own without waking up every 20 minutes and needing to be comforted again....

So not fair.

Sometimes it is nice to be able to just go out.. Everett will fall asleep in his car seat and usually stay asleep for a few minutes in a store. Or at least if I have to hold him it doesn't seem to matter because we are out and about anyway....but in order to go out I need at least 20 minutes to myself to shower (maybe) get dressed, put minimal make-up on and get a diaper bag ready....but that takes so much effort that I may as well just give up, grab the remote and go back to the couch in my jammies with my screaming baby.

Well I suppose I have let him scream long enough I am starting to feel guilty...best be going.
Oh I would take a wonderful red faced screaming baby picture for you to go with this post but our camera is dead and finding the charger for it would require me to put the baby down and look through boxes. Sorry



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