Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Sick baby
barfing, diarrhea, screaming, crying, and sleeping in my arms.
Poor sick baby.

Pediatrician saw Everett yesterday and changed his formula. Instead of putting him on one kind he wants him on a mixture of 2. He says that babies with an extremely sensitive stomach need less formula. They used to dilute formula with water but then baby only gets 1/2 of recommended nutrients.
So, now they dilute it with a different formula. This way they get all nutrients but not too much of one ingredient.
(kind of like taking Tylenol and Advil together; both serve same purpose but are different so that you are not getting too much of one thing but still getting a good dose of pain/fever medication)

Everett liked his new mixture and ate his whole bottle.

A few hours later he threw up.. then had diarrhea, then didn't eat for 9 hours. Then threw up and had diarrhea again.....

Now I am not sure it is a reaction to the formula or a flu. Given the fact that it started after eating the different formula i would want to blame that. However, he was kinda off this weekend. Last few days he has slept more than usual, Sunday he was overly fussy and Monday he didn't want to drink his bottles.

I didn't bring this up with pediatrician yesterday because i wanted to focus on the big picture stiff not have him just hear about the last few days. Now I am trying to call back doctor's office to find out next move.

This poor baby has had it rough.

If I am able to lay Everett down later I will upload and post pictures of our first night at the trailer with Everett. We had a good weekend out at Mom & Dad's campground.



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