He is even waking up to poop through the night. It is busy and smelly and gross.
We have noticed a change in him on these formulas. I am not sure if it is for the better though or not. He is still having a lot of fussy times. The mornings are still really rough but in a different way. Before when he was fussing in the morning we could rub his back and comfort him and then he would sleep through most of it. Now it is a full blown cry and there is not much we can do to make it stop. That is a con. He is farting a lot less so having less gas cramping..pro. He is pooping a ton so everything is moving through his system well without getting clogged up....pro. His poops are the most disgusting thing ever and there are so many...con.
We ran out of the lactose free formula today. Everett is on 1/2 Good Start and 1/2 Soy (despite my fears of being on soy the doctor says it is best). Today he has slept a lot so it has been hard to tell if there is any difference. We should notice a change in the next day or 2 if it is going to get worse or better.
We have pin pointed his worst times of day between 5 & 8am then again between 5 & 8pm. The morning is the hardest because we are both so tired. Plus in the evening if we put him in his snugli and go for a walk we can usually keep him happy. Something about the way his snugli holds him he stays content and he loves to be outside.
The optimistic in me is excited though because going by his corrected age he is almost 3 months and that is when colic is suppose to start tapering off, to be fully gone by 4 months. I so hope they are right. This has been quite a trip.
Happier things to discuss:
Between Everett's fussy times he is becoming quite a little bundle of joy. He is almost full out laughing and he smiles all the time. He loves to smile at ceiling fans, hi giraffe rattle and anyone that will pay attention to him . He almost laughs a little when I sing goofy songs to him and when Rawley is being silly. I love that when Ryan comes home from work Everett will almost always smile at him like, 'oh there you are..I have missed you'
Everett hanging out in his Bumbo chair.
This morning Ryan put this shirt on Everett and then came and woke me up. He was indeed poopy. This shirt suits him well but I think he tried to hard to live up to it, because later this morning he not only pooped his pants, it was in his jeans, in his diaper shirt, on the change pad.......you get the picture.
Oh and last Tuesday Everett weighed 12lbs 5oz and was 24 inches long.
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