Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Proud Mom

I meant to post about this last month but was kind of busy with other things. Then today I was at Rawley's school assembly and when they handed out the June awards I remembered I never posted Rawley's May award. Rawley got the Student of the Month Award in May in honour and Recognition for being a Scientific Expert.
I also got Rawley's report card today for grade 2 and am so impressed with him. Because he is a primary student in an elementary school he does not get letters grades. He gets number marks on 44 different skills in all the different subjects. The numbers work as follows:
4= Exceeding Expectations
3= Meeting Expectations
2= Approaching Expectations
1= Not Yet Meeting Expectations.

Rawley received
10 fours
29 threes
and 5 twos (all of which were behaviours related not academic)

This is exceptional for him... last report card he only had 2 fours and at least 10 twos. I am so so happy. I am very appreciative for all the help that he has received in the last 2 months. Rawley has had great success with reading and social studies in the grade 3 class. I am so glad that my voice was finally heard and Rawley received some different care than before. It made me the last part of his year more enjoyable for everyone involved.



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