Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend of BBQs

Yesterday was Everett's first BBQ and he was a huge hit. A friend from Ryan's work had us out at his place in Yarrow for a BBQ. Everett got some new cuddles and slept very well out in the fresh air. He was such a good boy.

The cup holders in Everett's stroller sure came in handy for us.

Once we left that BBQ we headed over to my dad's friend's pig roast. There were 4 babies under 3 months old and a 20 month old toddler there. It was fun to see all the babies together and exchange stories with the other new parents. I even got to hold a sweet little 2 month old baby girl.

Today after church we headed out to another BBQ at my cousin Kory & Tina's house in Surrey. It was their daughter's third birthday. We got to visit with lots of family and Everett got to meet cousins and second cousins and see great grandma & grandpa again. This time they each got to hold him instead of just looking at him in his incubator. It was very sweet.

Everett seems to really enjoy being outside. The fresh air agrees with him.
Being in the house tonight......not agreeing with him at all. I can safely say he has found his big boy voice to cry with. wow! He has Finally fallen asleep while I bounce him in his vibrating chair....but his next feed is only 20 minutes away so I better end this quickly so I can go finish the boys lunches for tomorrow. Daddy should be home from hockey tonight just in time to shower and feed Everett at 12:30.... Yay for tag teaming.



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