SIX MONTHS: The Happy Times
I just can't believe he has grown so fast. One part of me is thankful that some of the grumpy times are behind us but the other part is sad. Every milestone he reaches is pure joy and excitement. I am glad I have taken a ridiculous amount of pictures of this little boy. The days that are really hard I can always look back and remember all the wonderful times too.
When Everett is in a good mood he is the most wonderful baby ever, full of smiles and laughter. When we go out and he gets attention from other people you would never know he is a grumpy baby. People often tell me that he is the happiest baby they have ever seen. Other parents at curling ask me things like, "does he ever cry?" this always make Rawley laugh and then tell them all about it.
Everett is a huge flirt and can melt any girls heart I am sure. He scans the room for any girl looking at him then smiles his big smile and bats his beautiful blue eyes.
He has also reached a few more milestone. He is reaching out for us now when he wants picked up or to go from one persons arms to the next. He can stand for a bit while holding on to the couch or stool. he fallows object that drop or roll behind something. It is fun so watch these new things happen and see how his brain is working.
We have let him drink water out of a cup a few times. A lot of it dribbles back out down his chin, but he swallows some of it and really enjoys doing it. We bought him a sippy cup today so that he can drink water from it. He also really likes this but needs some practice.
That is about all that is new with him. Here are some more cute pictures.
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