We had a very busy weekend this weekend and another one just around the corner. Friday night we braved the CandleLight Parade in Mission. It was cold but so worth it. The floats are always wonderful and all the Christmas music really gets you into the spirit. Rawley got a bucket full of candy so he was really happy.
Then Saturday Rawley and I had a date to finish up our Christmas shopping for Ryan. We did well actually. The only person left to shop for is my dad and then we are all done for the year. Yes!
Saturday night Owyn came over to hang out. Owyn is my 19 months old nephew. We had a blast with him. What was not cool was the 5:15am wake up call. Who wants to play at 5:15am? He even turned down a bottle just to run around and make noise.
Sunday we had lunch at my grandparents house. Grandma and I worked out who will cook/buy what for her Boxing Day open house get together. Then on our way home we stopped by Giesbrecht Tree Farm for our Noble Fir Christmas tree.
We had time to set it up at my dad's house and add the lights but it will remain otherwise naked until Friday night when we can all get together to decorate.
Christmas is coming so soon and I am enjoying all the festivities. Now if I could just find time to also finish my school work before the course deadline (Dec.21) I would be ecstatic!
(by the way I have pictures for all of these events but my camera is at home and I am at work so I will post them tomorrow)
oh my Hunney Girl, I am so happy to read of your days. I feel closer
to you and yours. Speech recognition for me and I'll be non
stop to you. luf
I am so happy you are able to peek into our life. I wish I could come down more and spend more time with you. I am not sure if Joey has told you yet but we are coming this Sunday the 13th to visit. I will call from my dad's house Friday night and hopefully get to talk to you and get your order for Canadian goods.
Love you so much! It made my day to see your comment!!!!
Hugs and Kisses.
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