Monday, November 1, 2010


Everett is sleeping in my arms so I am going to type a whole blog with one hand.
Almost every morning as long as we are home Everett has a 2 hour nap. There have been a few times that he has not and the rest of the day is ruined. Today he was having trouble staying asleep so I am holding him in hopes that he will make it the last 20 minutes. We already have pretty rough afternoons so this nap is important. Even though all the books say that i should not hold him while he sleeps when he is this old. I prefer to follow the 'do what works' rules sometimes.

Everett was 5 months old on Oct.22nd. I can't believe how much he has grown.

The past 9 nights or so have gone much better with Everett. For the most part he wakes up twice to eat and falls right back asleep. A few times while he is up eating he decides he is not tired enough to go back to sleep though. Last night was one of those nights. I was a long 2am feeding. I still prefer him being awake and just laying in my arms than up and screaming for hours so yay for him.

Our new challenge with him is keeping him happy through the day. He gets bored so easily. When they say some children are more suited for daycare..they are talking about Everett. He always wants to be around people. When he has other kids to watch and be with he is happier. At home he is miserable unless I entertain him or hold him. Both things I don't want to do all day.

He loves his exersaucer, jolly jumper, bouncy chair, piano, and swing, but gets bored of each after 10 minutes. It is exhausting trying to keep him happy. Anyone have any ideas? He can't sit up yet on his own so it is hard to give him any real toys to play with. I know I have to leave him on his own more or he is going to become used to being held and entertained..but he is also very defiant. Unlike most babies who cry then realize it is not working and stop he just keeps going. He will scream forever I swear.

On the positive side. When he is happy, he is such a joy, he loves music and usually sings along in his own way. He is the cutest thing in the world and his love for Rawley is unbelievable. No matter how upset he is Rawley can make him smile.

This is him one morning while sitting at the table with Rawley at breakfast. Rawley was making faces and noises at him and he was laughing so hard.

So, that is what is new in the life of Everett.


Meredith said...

Oh Everett, you are soooo cute! I love how you adore your big brother :)

Tam, I held Owyn for his naps until he was almost a year old. Once I decided "no more" he napped on his own just fine. Just my experience. I agree, you do what works!


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