Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby News

I don't really have too much to report. The ultrasound on Tuesday showed good umbilical cord flow and good amniotic fluid so Nudge is safe and sound for now. I had a non-stress test again today and that also went well. He always has a few blips where his heart rate drops and then races but overall they are happy with his reading.

I am back in Surrey tomorrow with Dr. Still for another ultrasound.

I hope to get some answers for some questions too. It seems that everyone thinks something different and when you see 6 or 7 different doctors/OBs/specialists it gets confusing. I have been told that in the end everything will be up to Dr. Still though so really what he says is all that matters.

Questions we have for him are:
1. If I come in for a scan and he thinks it is time to deliver will I be allowed to go back to Abbotsford or is there and chance I will have to deliver in Surrey?
2. With everything going so well right now is there a chance we may not have to have a c-section? (I have had conflicting answers to this)
3. Does he think there is a possibility that we could make it past 35 weeks?

So, I hope to get some answers tomorrow, but since they can't get another accurate measurement until next Thursday he will not be able to compare size and growth and therefore may not be able to answer any of the question.

I guess I will wait and see.

On another note we had an great little birthday dinner celebration for Rawley on Tuesday. I will post pictures later and share what kind of things he got spoiled with.



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