Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21 9:22

So, we have had quite a day here at the hospital. We arrived at 8 am and they started to induce me at 9:45. After that point we made good progress up until about 3. The aim was to get my contractions 2.5 minutes apart and have them last for 1 minute. We made it there and it was brutal. Right when they decided to get me an epidural and pump up the ocytocin.....everything stopped. The contractions spread out and were less intense. Now I am having none at all. Boo.
We had two options.
Options1: shut everything off, sleep and wait for a c-section in the morning
Option 2: try a different method of induction and see if it works. If not have a c-section in the morning.

We chose option #2, because if we can get away without a c-section that would be optimal. It is also scary because Nudge is going to have to stay in a little longer and I worry about how he is doing in there. His head is ridiculously high right now and he appears to have moved out of optimal birthing position. What a little bugger. I am exhausted and tired of the up and down but either way we can not get in for a c-section till morning so we may as well try another route while we wait and hope for the best.

Nurses have all been amazing and my doctor is pretty great too. I am going to go get a tour of the NICU now so I know where Nudge will be living for a while.

Good Night.


tina said...

love you Tammy! you're such a trooper and what a lucky little Nudge who has you working so hard for him to have a safe arrival! I spent all day anxiously waiting for updates (tell Merry to keep up the good work!)


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