Friday, May 14, 2010

Wonderful News

My appointment this morning with the specialist went better than good. Nudge is growing!!!! The fluid level is good and the umbilical flow is good. Dr. Still could not believe how much baby has grown. He even went back and remeasured to make sure it was correct.
Last Friday Nudge measured about 3lbs 12ozs.
Today he is measuring about 4lbs 8oz.
I nearly fell off the bed. I was ecstatic.
The biggest growth has been in his abdomen. Which means that he is not just getting enough nutrients to survive but he is even storing some.

If we keep going at this pace we are definitely going to make it past 35 weeks and I may not need a c-section after all.

Dr. Still sat with me awhile afterwords to try to pin point what in my life had changed that would cause such an improvement because it is very rare for a situation like this to turn around for the better. The only drastic change has been me going off work. Things have also improved a little bit at Rawley's school, but mostly just me not working has been the change.

I always knew my job was a very stressful one, but I never knew it was so bad that it could put my unborn baby at risk. I am so glad they caught this problem when they did and that the actions they have had me take are working.

We are still living a life of total uncertainty. There is still little chance I will make it to term; therefore, we have no idea when this little one is going to make his appearance and that is hard. I know no one knows for sure, but at least most people can expect it around their due date. We have 6 weeks of unknown to wait out.

Anyway, as per the doctor I have a lot more laying around the house and doing nothing stressful to attend to.


rachel joy said...

I'm so glad you're done working. It was making me stressed just hearing you talk about it!


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