Monday, May 24, 2010

Everett Lee Walker

Everett finally came into the world just in the nick of time to have a May 22nd birthday. My wrist band says he was born at 11:12pm. I was not awake at the time so I will go by that. He was 4lbs 7.5oz, but the doctor gave him the extra half ounce and called him at 4lbs 8oz. He was 45cm long, but I have no idea what that is in inches.

After two very full days of trying every other option for a natural birth they finally booked us for a c-section. I was completely exhausted and Everett had been working so hard for so long that it was time to just get him out.

The C-section did not quite go as smooth as we expected. After they had me open and started working I could feel the pain so they quickly kicked Ryan out of the OR and put me to sleep. It was all very fast and scary for both of us. Ryan did not know what was happening or why they were kicking him out. I guess in a situation like that they don't have time to explain things they just have to act. Because I was put out I did not see, hear or get to hold Everett while in the OR but I have been assured he came out screaming and very alert.

Ryan and his mom got to see Everett shortly after delivery while I woke up in recovery. Apparently it was extremely emotional for both of them. Wish I could have been a apart of that.

Everett was very tired so they had to give him an IV for get him some nutrients.

Once I had been awake for almost an hour and the spinal block started to die off they wheeled me on my bed into NICU to see Everett.

OH MY GOODNESS. He is so cute. I know he is small at 4lbs 8ozs but he actually isn't as tiny as I was expecting. He has really dark skin and dark hair. I have no pictures to post at this time as we are still in the hospital and I can barely move.

Yesterday was a rough day of recovery for me. I have been having a lot of pains that are associated with a c-section. When they have you open air gets into your abdominal cavity and you experience a lot of chest pains (they are referred to as gas pains) that shoot up into your shoulder. If I sit up for more than 45 minutes or use my right arm the pain is quite intense. They have had me on morphine for that.

Yesterday however was amazing. I got to visit Everett in the NICU 4 times. Rawley got to come meet his baby brother. It was so amazing to watch him stare at Everett with such love. He was scared at first to put his hand in the incubator and touch Everett, but before he left he had rubbed his back and cupped his head. Rawley also bought Everett a little tiny stuffed animal. Rawley has a stuffed Monkey at home named Lickety. So, Rawley brought Everett the miniature version of the same Monkey and named him Lickety2.

Ryan's mom has been here since Saturday morning at 11 and it has been so wonderful to have her here. She has been a huge support for both Ryan & I. We were very lucky to have her hear through the extremely emotional and exhausting delivery day.

I am not sure what else to tell you at this time. It is 6:30 am on Monday morning and I actually managed to sleep from midnight till 4am this morning. Ryan is still asleep and I think I am going to try to go back to sleep now too.

Just so everyone knows I am unable to do anything on facebook but read. The Internet browser here is not very compatible. I will comment or reply once we get home if needed.


rachel joy said...

ah, finally! what a relief in so many ways! Can't wait to see your little peanut. Rest well, Mama.

Mum of 3 Wise men said...

Yeah for you, Ryan, and Rawley. Mrs. Walker... thank you for being there. Remember that you will be very emotional for the next few months. C- sections are hard and very emotional. How long will Everett have to stay in the NICU? Just remember to stay with him as much as you can and don't feel bad if you have to go home. Elijah was there for two months and even though my heart hurt, I knew he was safe. Love you Tammy, very proud of you.


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