Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fish in a Bag

The baby (dubbed 'Nudge') has been really active lately. I feel it all the time but have a hard time describing what it feels like. I was trying to think on a way to describe it to Ryan and Rawley. Since they can't feel it from the outside yet I wanted to be able to tell them what it was like.

This morning after getting up at 5:30 to send Ryan off to work I could not fall back asleep. I had a killer headache and took some Tylenol and cuddled with an ice pack while lying in bed stressing and over thinking everything from 'oh my God in 5 months I am going to have to go through labour' to 'I have nothing to wear tomorrow night when we go out bowling.'

While my overactive brain was at work so was my baby. It was moving and kicking and then the description hit me all of a sudden how I can explain it to the boys.

For anyone who has bought (or won) a fish you will get this. You know when you are carrying the bag with the fish inside and it swims into the bag you feel a little nudge on your hand. It is not hitting with enough force to make the bag bulge but you definitely feel the little nudge. That is what it feels like when the baby gives a little kick or push. Then there are the softer feelings. When the fish is swimming along the edge of the bag just close enough for it to rub lightly and cause a tickling/fluttering sensation. That is what it feels like when the baby is moving around touching the uterine wall but not actually putting any force or pressure on it.

So, if you want to know what I am feeling throughout the day go to PetSmart, buy a fish and hold the bag in your hand. ;)

That's the best I got.

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