Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's Your Opinion?

I really want to dye my hair. I would love to re-dye the whole thing, but would settle for highlights to hide the roots.

I have read all the books and I know that they do not recommend dying your hair during pregnancy. However, they say right in the book that they have no proof that it leads to any birth defects. So little of the dye is actually absorbed through the skin that is is unlikely that it would have any adverse effect.

They do also mention that some practitioners still recommend against it though.

I have not actually asked my midwife yet. I am having a bit of a hard time with her. It seems I always have a lot of questions but she rarely has a lot of time. So I start with the most important questions and then when I feel I am being rushed I just stop. I know this is not a good thing and I need to be more ...self.. (I will come back when I think of a word).... more assertive? Is that the word I am looking for? (put my needs first and settle all my concerns instead of worrying about her time or all the patients still waiting in the waiting room. I waited an hour to see her they can too)

The reasons I want to dye my hair are many. Mostly, I am not happy with my looks right now. I am bulging already which would be okay if I had 'the glow' but I don't. I have acne so bad right now I can't even hide it with makeup. I have never had acne this bad not even as a young teenager. I am so used to have really great skin (on my face) so this is hard for me to accept. I am also not so great with the makeup thing so I do not know what to do to make it look better. I am a greasy mess by the end of the day and can't wait to get home and wash my face. I am surprised people don't mistake my acne for the chicken pox.

My hair has lost it's luster and shine AND I have 2 inch roots that stand out. I think dying my hair may make me feel a little less monster like and a little more human. But I worry.

I worry about what people will think. I worry about what could maybe possibly happen to the baby. I have waited out my whole first trimester, which they say is best if I am going to dye my hair. But I really don't know what to do.

Ultimately I will make my own choice (after talking with Ryan) but I am curious what others did. Did you dye your hair when you were pregnant? Do you know people who do?

Maybe if I can't dye it I should get some highlights and a really trendy new cut. .. I don't know.
I need something. I feel blah.


Meredith said...


I dyed my hair when I was pregnant, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I really think this is a case of "everything in moderation." Should you be dying your hair every week, all while rubbing lotions filled with chemicals all over your body and ingesting caffeine by the bucket-load? No. Would it be ok to dye your hair once, to make you DE-STRESS and feel good about yourself all the while taking every precaution to be a good mother-to-be and make good choices? I think absolutely yes. Pregnancy & baby advice has gone a little overboard in my opinion and I firmly believe you will make good choices for you & your baby.

Go for it mama! It will make you feel good and the amount of dye used for one treatment will do no harm. And spend some money on yourself! You deserve it so much right now and your birthday is just around the corner. Take a Saturday afternoon and spend it in the salon with a magazine and cup of tea :)

Love, Merry.

rachel joy said...

I'd be more concerned about any of the fumes you might breath in than anything absorbing into your bloodstream and then into baby. Use a well ventilated room or wear a mask of some kind.

As for your midwife ... They book 30-60 minutes for each client. Don't feel rushed. Yes she may be busy but that is your time. Ask all the questions you want. They get paid for that amount of time per visit. I was told that a family doctor gets paid for 7 minutes for a pre-natal visit.

Tammy said...

Thanks Mere & Rachel.
I did dye my hair. (I opened the balcony door) I do feel much better about my look this morning, so I am happy.

Mid-wife: I am not too sure if I am just too high strung to have such a relaxed person dealing with me. The mid wife thing is new and it is hard to adjust to what is medical (therefore see a doctor) and what is typical pregnancy (therefore she can help)

rachel joy said...

she is very low key, you're right. It's almost intimidating in a way. And she can address anything that's concerning you. If it's not something she deals with, she'll tell you to talk to your doc.


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