Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Weekend Gone

Friday we had our 3rd Medical Ultrasound. I think it went well, the tech was pointing out some of the organs to us so I assume she was able to see them all. In New West they do not do Sex Determination until 25 weeks so they were not going to look for us. No big deal, we find out this Saturday anyway. I don't know if they would have been able to tell if they wanted because baby was facing my back, which makes seeing the front hard. Nudge had its head down and feet straight up in the air. Nudge was also not curled up at all but fully stretched out and kicking A LOT. That's 10.5 inches fully vertical inside my tummy. Wow. The pictures are not great but I felt the need to post them anyway.

~Tech said that the spine has a great curve~

~This is the face looking from the back of the head~

Our weekend has been one full of medication. Rawley does have an ear infection. My dad took him to the doctor on Friday to get checked out. The doctor put him on Amoxicillin (same old same old). Rawley has a chewable tablet form though instead of the liquid that has to be refrigerated. He still says it tastes awful and I believe him. He is also taking one regular strength adult Tylenol every 4 hours until the pain goes away. It is hard to remember who had to take what and when... How does Ryan remain so healthy?

~left three are mine, right three are Rawley's~

I am finding it hard to follow the directions on my T3s. I am suppose to take 3 at a time every 4 hours as needed. The problem is I don't know how much I need. If I wake up with a small headache I don't want to take all 3 because the pain doesn't not seem bad enough, but I have noticed if I only take 1 then the headache gets worse. Yesterday I under medicated myself and ended up in tears again, so I am trying to take 2 at the first sign of a headache now. Seems that so far today it is working. The down side of taking that much is I have the shakes all day.

Yesterday was grocery shopping day as is every Sunday. We always buy the which ever cookies are on sale that week. Rawley saw hockey Oreos and wanted them so bad and guess what... they were on sale. He is so thrilled.

Other than that we have had a pretty good weekend. Any time we were near a TV Rawley was glued to the Olympics. I feel slightly guilty that his TV watching is like 6 hours above the daily recommendation, but I know that this is something very special to him. Saturday was Rawley's last soccer game of the year and he played like it was. He got two goals in the first half then played Goalie the second half. Rawley has the longest goalie kick of anyone on his team. The ball usually ends up half way down the field when he kicks it. I was a proud mom. We went and visited my grandparents on Saturday afternoon and watched some Olympics there. Yesterday we managed to pull Rawley away from the TV long enough to go swimming. Both mine and Rawley's medications were working and it felt great to actually do something other than lay on the couch.

Then just as fast as it came the weekend was over. Boo.



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