Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Please Don't End

This past week and a half have been so enjoyable with the Olympics on. Rawley seems to enjoy any event that is on and it has been fun to watch him get excited.

I have been watching the Olympics at work as well. Last week the manager was gone so it was easy to stream online through out the day, but since he has returned I have not stopped. Somehow I feel that it is excusable that I watch it I have nothing else to do, when I do have work I get it done asap and I am supporting my country.

It has made my very long drawn out days enjoyable....well tolerable at least. Curling games are great because they take up almost 3 hours of my time. Considering I get to work at about 7:50 and am done my work for the day by 8:20, I have a lot of down time.

I have found nearly all the events enjoyable. I don't care much for Biathlon and Cross Country, but everything else can hold my attention pretty well.

I have to admit that we have spent more time at home and on the couch than is probably healthy though. I guess that is the only downside I see to it.

Spending time on the couch has been good for a few things. My head feels much better when I am laying down and Nudge kicks and jumps and spins and turns when I am laying down. We have been able to see the movements for about a week, but last night was crazy. Ryan and I were both laughing. My belly was jumping all over the place and kinda doing the wave. One side would jump then the other. It was up high then it was down low.

I know this is my second pregnancy but Rawley never moved. He was always in the exact same position; never kicked, never played and never had the hiccups. So this is a very new experience for me and it is totally weird and wonderful. I plan to video tape it tonight and see if I can get some good kicks on my blog for everyone (whether you are interested or not).

So thank you Olympics for being so wonderfully entertaining and for causing me to veg so much on the couch at night. I will miss you when you are over.



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