Thursday, February 18, 2010

MRI Failure

So, I had my MRI yesterday. It did not go so well.

I got there and lied down on the board, they braced my head and slide me in. I had my eyes closed but then for some reason opened them. I could not believe how small the tube was that they slide me into. I instantly started to panic, my heart was pounding, I started crying. I tried for what felt like forever to calm myself (was probably more like 10 seconds) but could not. I had a squeeze the emergency ball so they could pull me out.

I was so embarrassed. I apologized and told the tech that I have had MRIs before and been fine. She asked if I wanted to stop or try again. She also told me not to open my eyes at all and even offered to cover them with a clothe.

I decided to try again. I left my arms down so that my hands could hang outside of the tube. This for some reason made me feel somewhat calmer. At least I knew the edge was there somewhere and that if I really needed to I could get myself out.

I still panicked a lot, my heart was pounding so hard. Obviously Nudge was wondering what on earth was going on because as my heart raced he/she flipped and kicked and moved about a lot. I couldn't sing to myself (which is how I usually self soothe) because I could not move my head/face at all so I hummed. I hummed as many upbeat happy songs as I could think of and I hummed as loud as I could.

25 minutes felt like eternity in there. It was awful.

Yesterday I was really down on myself for being so spastic, but today I prefer to blame the machine. The last MRIs I had were in Nanaimo and the machine was totally different.

In Nanaimo:
~ The tube is much bigger; at least 10 inches between my face & the machine wall
~ The tube is lit on the inside
~ There is a mirror on the inside so you can see out of the tunnel
~ I had ear phone to listen to music
~ The technicians were very soothing and wonderful
~ The technicians talked me through it on the speakers
~ I think the tube was open on both ends

~Nanaimo one looked like this~

In Abbotsford:
~ The tube is tiny; like 3 inches between my face and the wall
~ The tube was quite dark inside (compared to Nanaimo)
~ There was no mirror and I could see nothing
~ I had ear music to sooth
~ The technicians were cold and unfriendly
~ The technicians did not talk to me at all to tell me what was happening.
~ The tube was closed at other end.

~ The Abbotsford one was more like these two~

~Next time I want one one these MRI scanners~

*pictures were taken from Google Images.


Leah Schouten said...

OH MY GOODNESS. Why would the make a tube that small? How are you doing now? Have you had any panic attacks since then? Love to you.

rachel joy said...

Did they get the pictures they needed?

Tammy said...

Leah: I am fine now that I am out.

Rach: I hope so, the second time i managed to stay in the whole time (which felt like eternity)

I had a really hard time thinking of songs to hum and everytime I stopped humming I paniced so I mostly hummed "I've got peace like a River" over and over again.. Very loud.
I have no idea why that song came to my head. Don't think I have sang it since Sunday school... but it worked.


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