Thursday, December 31, 2009
Baby News
We are currently 14 weeks and 4 days along and I don't know too much more about this little one inside of me. I have been noticing over the past few weeks that I am huge. I think I even previously mentioned it in a post. I have only gained a couple pounds but everything has shifted out front. Anyway, I also started to have dreams of twins almost every night. So I got myself all worked up. My dad is a twin so I do have a higher chance of getting twins.
I am only somewhat terrified about the possibility. I mean two babies? Can I really handle two babies?
Tuesday we had our regular doctor (actually a midwife) appointment so I brought up my concerns of my rapidly expanding belly. I told her of the history of twins in my family and she decided to measure my uterus. It was in fact quite large for how far along we are. At 14 weeks the normals size is 14cm. Anywhere from 12-16cm is considered medically normal though because of different peoples variances. I measured just over 20cm. The midwife really did not say to much about it though so I was not clear on what her thoughts were. Then she tried to find a heartbeat with her Doppler and couldn't. This to me was a little bit scary. If I was big enough to possibly have two in there or be further along how come we can't find even one heartbeat? We had also heard it previously at 10 weeks along, so why not now? I know that this can be totally normal to not hear the heartbeat at 14 weeks so I was not suppose to worry. It is my nature to worry though.
In the next few hours following the appointment I tried to find any information I could find on the Internet about carrying twins, not hearing a fetal heartbeat, other reasons to measure large. This is what I found..
I could:
~ be carrying twins
~ have excess amniotic fluid in my uterus
~ be further along then originally thought (although we should have heard a heartbeat then)
~ have a Uterine Fibroid (usually not harmful)
~ have a bigger than normal baby because of gestational diabetes
~ have a baby that is positioned higher than normal
The midwife was concerned enough to send us for an urgent ultrasound. Unfortunately because ultrasounds are so booked up we still have to wait until next Thursday to go. Until then I am trying my hardest not to worry about twins, not hearing the heartbeat or anything else.
Oh and as far as not hearing the heart beat my wonderful, loving, dimwitted husband (whom I am not currently speaking to) has reassured me that fat women sometimes can't hear a heart beat because there is just too much...well fat to listen through. Aww isn't he sweet and helpful!?
Stupid Jerk!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Little Bit of Our Christmas
Our Christmas was low key this year. The last 3 years we have spent with Ryan's family and had a big do. This year they stayed in Manitoba and we stayed in BC.
We spent Christmas eve with my dad. We had dinner at Boston Pizza and then went to church with him. Dustin joined us afterwords for the traditional Christmas Eve drink and to watch The Christmas Carol.
Christmas morning we opened gifts with my dad at his house. Rawley got so spoiled. Dad went off to do his Christmas routine and we went home to play with Rawley's toys.
~ setting up The Nerf Vulcan EBF - 25, Fully Automatic Toy Dart Gun~
The rest of Christmas day was relaxing. Rawley played with his toys and I cooked. I wore my pjs all day long and did not even put on makeup. It was great. I was preparing food for our Boxing Day open house and my Grandma & Grandpa's house.
On boxing day all my relatives on my dad's side of the family get together at my grandparents house to eat, visit and exchange gifts. It was great this year because almost everyone was there. Rawley brought his Nerf Machine Gun and everyone got their turn in the back yard. The kids had a blast.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
It Started Out Great
The morning started out great. Rawley had me up at 8:15 for breakfast. I finished up the grocery list and after getting Ryan up we were out of the house by 9:30 for early morning grocery shopping. It is always best when the store is almost empty. We were done shopping and home baking by 11. Rawley helped mix all the ingredients for sugar cookies. Then he helped do all the cut outs. After lunch we spend at least an hour as a family (Ryan was in and out of the activity) decorating sugar cookies while listening to Christmas music. We had mixed up 5 different icing colours and had them in Ziploc baggies to do detailed art on our cookies. They turned out beautiful. We were all so pleased with ourselves.
I put the cookies in the fridge to set the icing........THEN.... I dumped a bottle of apple cider over them all and they turned into mush. Thus started the anger of throwing things and maybe (definitely) swearing. I even took an apple out of the fridge and smashed it on the floor. Then the tears came on... and on and on and on. Then Ryan got mad because I was mad therefore Rawley got yelled at. Then Rawley was mad and acting out... then I got mad at him... Then I cried some more & Rawley cried too.
~ What we were able to salvage from the mushy wet cookies ~
Once I finally composed myself... well as best I could. We walked down to the library to return our books. Upon returning I started the laundry. By the time the washer was done I realized that my cell phone was still in the pocket of my pants. Opps! Then there were more tears.
Rawley was asked nicely to leave me alone because I was upset but as most seven year olds he thought that meant to be a huge pain in the butt and be mouthy and argumentative. Therefore Rawley ended up in bed early with a spank. This brought on more crying by both Rawley and I.
After 25 minutes of crying on his behalf and about 5 on mine we decided to talk about it and say our prayers for bed.
I then tried uploading the videos of Rawley's Christmas concert to my blog. As you can see there was no success. We apparently don't know how to do that. So... I take back my promise of sharing his wonderful concert with you. Sorry.
I had hopes that today would be better but it did not start well. Rawley was not much of a listener this morning. "Please hurry and eat" meant "play with your breakfast", "please go brush you teeth" clearly meant "please hide in my closet". "Rawley go put your shoes and coat on" meant "Rawley go read your planner". "Rawley put your show and coat on RIGHT NOW" meant "sit on the floor and stare at me like I am an idiot".
Then when we got to his out of school care. The lights were off and the doors were locked. What? no one called me to tell me we had moved to another school for the day. So, we walked around the school in the rain to see if we were maybe in another classroom. Nope. Phoning to see where they were was out of the question since I decided to wash my cell phone last night....therefore lets drive around all morning and see if we can find where your day care is today = me late for work and wet and angry.
BUT it has to get better from here... I figure I am not at home so cannot ruin anything that is my own. Work is fairly slow right now so I can't really make too many mistakes. If I can manage to say "Good Morning/Afternoon, Clara Industrial" I should be okay.
Here's to a better day.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Concert
Rawley is in the choir so he sang with his class and the choir. He is such a little cutie and he sang so well. Made my heart melt. They sang 'My Grown up Christmas List' by Kelly Clarkson (I think) and it was so emotional. First off it is a great song that I had never heard before plus the choir sang it so well.
I have 4 videos to upload for those (like Grandma) who would like to see it. However, I forgot the USB cord at home today so can't do it right now. I will do it for you tomorrow.
There is a little girl (I'm call her Kim) that is in Rawley's school and she is in a wheel chair. Kim used to be in Rawley's class, last year I think. She can't talk, walk or really even move her arms. She is adorable though and when the kids start singing she gets a huge grin on her face and moves her arms (as much as she can) to the music. It is so touching to see how she can find joy in her school mates singing. The other girl that was standing beside Kim kept turning towards her and singing to her and I just started to cry. Pregnancy emotions maybe, but I just can't help but love how the other children love and care for her and how much she enjoys them.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
No Focus
I am huge for 3 months pregnant. HUGE. I can no longer where my jeans. I did splurge on a comfy pair of maternity pants that can be worn to work and for dress up. I have taken a few pictures but still am not sure if I will post them or not. I appears more of a beer gut than baby belly in the pictures. :)
I have been able to spend some more one on one time with Rawley lately and realize how much I miss it. We get so busy in our day to day life that we forget about finding that special time with each other. It is definitely something I will be trying to do more. For Rawley & I and for Ryan & I.
School is stressing me out lately. I waited way to long to get my butt in gear and now I am running out of time to finish my course. I am currently doing Curriculum Planning. This is a hard course for me because I am not that creative. I have planned a few different activities; however, I am not sure on my marks as I have not gotten most of them back. Now my next assignment is to find a group of children to do one of my activities with and then evaluate how it went, what I should change, what went well, whether the children learned anything..... The only problem is I don't have a huge group of 3 year olds hanging around my house. I have been told I could do the assignment with some of my friends if I have to... So... If any of you are free on the same night and want to come over to my house to learn about shapes and do a fun shape search around my house..... let me know. Thanks!
Our Christmas shopping is done except for my dad. I ordered him a shirt from Sears online and was told it would be in this week. Now they are saying it may not be in until the 23rd if at all before Christmas. I am bummed because it was his fav kind of shirt and it was on sale. Shhh. ;) So now he may get a picture of a shirt for Christmas day. I guess I will have to buy him a bottle of Southern Comfort to drown his sorrows in as well. :)
I cannot believe Christmas is only 9 days away. Where does the time go. I remember when I was little and my parents used to say, "time goes by so fast", "it feels like it was just Christmas"... I never thought they were ever right. I mean when we were little time moved so slowly it felt like Christmas would never come. Now I turn around twice and hear it is.
I am looking forward to some extended weekends coming up. Next week we are only open for 3.5 days and one of the days we will be closing for a Christmas party lunch type deal. Then the following week we are only open for 2.5 days. The rest of the days I get to sit at home and relax while getting paid.
Anyway it is time to go find my afternoon caffeine before I fall asleep at the desk.
~ pregnant belly pictures ~
(please excuse the toothpaste on the mirror)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Road Trip
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Cat is Out of The Bag
I finally told my boss I was pregnant yesterday. It was a very hard thing for me to do and I stressed for a long time about when and how to tell him.
My manager and I do not necessarily see eye-to-eye. Actually my boss doesn't really see eye-to-eye with many people.
A little history of my position:
I am an administrative assistant for a industrial sandblasting and painting company. My job is to keep the office in order and make sure the men at our job sites have all the things they need when they are there. I create all the job books and get their safety manual ready. I also order all the supplies as they need it and organize shipping to and from sites all over western Canada. This job is a hard one to learn as it is not very repetitive and there is something new all the time. I had to be here a full year before I had learned everything and then by the time the next year rolled around I almost had to relearn it all. I also do all the insurance on our fleet vehicles, accounts payables, HR stuff....That is the first reason this job is hard. Before I started here they had gone through 6 girls in 5 years. It is hard to get someone who will stay at the job for many reasons. One of many is the manager
The manager is not easy to get along with. I am not sure if the pressure if running a whole branch of a company is what gets to him but he has a habit of blaming, belittling, and just making one feel as though they are completely incompetent. He talks to me in a very disrespectful way. (which I eventually let him know) He has given me three raises and told me on those three different occasions that I am good at my job, but everyday in between he does not make me feel that way. No matter what I do it is wrong or anything that just happens to go wrong is a result of me doing something. Also, he has never made a mistake ever!!! ;)
Girls just get sick of it and quit, (I almost did twice) they can't put up with the way they are treated. So, why have a stayed longer than any other girl? Because the money is good, I have benefits for the first time since Rawley was born, the hours are great, it is actually a very interesting job. I like to be involved in the more manly things out there but this is nice because I get to be involved but still stay inside and sit down. I get to learn things most girls would never understand and I love it, but I don't actually have to get dirty (well not very often) I have occasionally had to drive the forklift, deliver 5 tons trucks to the repair shop and crawl around our huge dusty shop.
I have really lost my point here... oh right, why was I so scared to tell my manager..
Well we don't talk. We don't even say good morning most of the time, unless it is job related we hardly say a word to each other. He is not so social. So any conversation I have with him is really awkward. He also does not have kids so there is no common ground there. I am well aware of how hard it is going to be to replace me. I am not trying to toot my own horn , but I have put up with A LOT here. I have been yelled at, talked down to, stressed to the limit (bawling like a baby), unappreciated...and for the most part I have done it all without a complaint. When the guys call desperate for something I make sure they get it. I work my butt off here learning everything I need to know and more and I care. I care that I do a good job, I care about all my guys out on the job site that are stranded without respirators or need more time sheets like yesterday. So it was very scary to tell them I was going to be leaving.
My manager gets upset when I miss a day of work how can I tell him I am going to miss 365 days and maybe (definitely) not return at all.
Anyway....... now you know a little bit about my job and why I love it and hate it at the same time. did it go when i told them? Well, I was smart about it. I waited till our company president was out from Ontario. I did not want to confront my boss alone. Our president is a really nice guy and has always been respectful and kind to me. He also has 3 kids and we share stories often. I knew he would have more understanding. So, while he was here I got them together after much fretting, shaking, sweating, nausea......... The president said "Congratulations" and seemed genuinely happy for me. He told me not to worry, that we would find a temp and my job would be here if I choose to return. The president and I made small chit chat while my boss just stood there and stared at me not saying a single word. Yikes! Then the room grew silent. I felt awkward so i said, "well that was all" and started to leave the room. with that my boss said, "um, right, okay"
Now if I can make it 6 months without being cornered and drilled with a ton of questions he is not even allowed to ask me I will be happy. Although those that know my boss know that it is almost inevitable. Here's to hoping.
I don't know why my small stories always turn into novels. I guess that is why I started a blog. That way you don't have to listen to (or technically read about) me if you don't want.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So Very Busy
Then Saturday Rawley and I had a date to finish up our Christmas shopping for Ryan. We did well actually. The only person left to shop for is my dad and then we are all done for the year. Yes!
Saturday night Owyn came over to hang out. Owyn is my 19 months old nephew. We had a blast with him. What was not cool was the 5:15am wake up call. Who wants to play at 5:15am? He even turned down a bottle just to run around and make noise.
Sunday we had lunch at my grandparents house. Grandma and I worked out who will cook/buy what for her Boxing Day open house get together. Then on our way home we stopped by Giesbrecht Tree Farm for our Noble Fir Christmas tree.
We had time to set it up at my dad's house and add the lights but it will remain otherwise naked until Friday night when we can all get together to decorate.
Christmas is coming so soon and I am enjoying all the festivities. Now if I could just find time to also finish my school work before the course deadline (Dec.21) I would be ecstatic!
(by the way I have pictures for all of these events but my camera is at home and I am at work so I will post them tomorrow)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Between a Small Plum and a Large Lime
Tuesday we had our second doctor's appointment and we got to hear the heartbeat. I consider us to be very lucky because we knew that hearing the heartbeat around 10 weeks is often hard to do since the baby is still small and moving around a lot.
It was so exciting and Rawley got to be there for it. He was unsure at first which noise it was, but it was still very special. Yay!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I Love Free Stuff
The average one of these is 5'9" and 218 lbs.
Santa Claus's
This morning I called into the radio station with that answer and won $75 gift certificate to Giesbrecht Tree Farm. I was ecstatic!!! Even Steve, the announcer, poked fun at me a bit for being so happy about a tree.
The thing is I was totally stressing about how we were going to pay for the Christmas tree this weekend. We are putting one up at my dad's house instead of ours and he has 9 foot ceilings. We wanted to get a nice big tree for our last Christmas on the west coast, but a nice big tree means nice big bucks to spend. The later is something we don't have a whole lot of these days. So , I am very very very delighted that we have this gift certificate now.
Country 107.1 has been good to us lately. We are both devoted listeners (Ryan sometimes because he does not have a choice) and country club members so we enter for all kinda of draws and I call in for the melon scratcher regularly. If you win you have to wait 30 days to try again and it has been just over that since I won Rascal Flatts tickets. Then the week before last Ryan won tickets to the Abbotsford Heat. Those of you who are not country club members should think about it. Free dates and free Christmas trees....'nough said.
Anyway. Yay for free stuff!!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Multiple Sclerosis.
My dad has MS. He was diagnosed the year before I was born which means he has been suffering for 27 years now. He has been on disability for more than 10 years and suffers from a lot of pain and demobilization. Granted there are people with MS far worse off than my dad it still pains me to see him live this way.
A close family friend also suffers from MS. Bonnie was one of my dad's friends growing up and ended up being the best female role model in my life. I spent many of my teenage years with her and am a better person for it. Bonnie has been in a wheelchair since before I met her 15 years ago. When I first met her she could walk at night, cook, clean, dress herself. Now all she can do is move a couple fingers on her right hand. She lives in a home and cannot take care of herself at all. She is a wonderful loving, outgoing, intelligent person who cannot do anything but lay in bed unless someone helps her.
Any new information about MS is interesting to me as it may mean a better life for my dad and Bonnie. I tried to watch as much of the show as I could. This proved to be hard as it was bath time and getting ready for bed time. During this time of the day with Rawley it is hard to sit down for more than 10 minutes at a time. I did see enough to know that this sounds promising. I was also able to read up on it here:
and here:
Turns out MS could actually be a vascular disease that can be treated with simple surgical procedures to open up blocked veins. This procedure is called the 'Liberation Treatment'. Dr. Zamboni has conducted research and found that most MS patients have narrowing, twisting or complete blockage of the veins that drain blood from the brain.
The vain disorder that he calls 'Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) is what sets in motion the neurological symptoms of MS. The blood of MS patients is flowing back upwards to the brain, which Dr. Zamboni says sets off a number of reactions, including MS symptoms. The blood that is forced to stay in the brain is high in Iron which can eventually kill brain cells.
After watching the show I called my dad (who also watched it) to talk about what they have found. He thinks it makes a lot of sense. One symptom of MS that doctors have not been able to give reason for is immense pressure in the brain. My dad as well as a few of his close childhood friend have MS and they have the same complaint. They say that there is so much pressure in their brain some days that they don't want to go on. Doctor have never been able to tell my dad why this happens. He says that knowing that the blood is not properly draining from his head make sense.
With the Liberation Treatment they insert a tiny balloon into these blocked veins to open them up and allow the blood to flow out of the brain. A small study was done where 65 patients had the Liberation procedure.
50% of those patients were relapse-free for 18 months
while only 27% of those who did not have the surgery went relapse-free
Only 12% of those who had the surgery had brain lesions (sign of active disease)
but 50% of those who did not had brain lesions.
This to me is something we should be looking into.
There are already 6 approved drug therapies in Canada that help reduce the burden of MS symptoms. This is great but imagine having a simple surgery once in your life and be cured. The thing that scares me is that the drug companies have so much power. I feel they would rather have sick people on drugs than people that are healthy. It means money to them. I hope that Canada will use their funds wisely to do research on this and hopefully someday my dad, Bonnie and all the other MS sufferers will be cured or at least more comfortable.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pregnancy So Far

We are at 9 weeks and 1 day along. I feel so blessed to be pregnant and (what professionals call) 'Healhty'. Since no one can stop me though I am going to write about how I really feel.
My body used my first pregnancy to trick me into doing it again I swear. This time has already been completely different from my first. Last time I had pretty much no symptoms at all. I was happy, healthy, thin and able to do anything. I wore my own jeans until I was 5 and a half months pregnant. I never once got sick I never had any pain. The one and only symptom I had was later in pregnancy I got a lot of leg cramps.
I read the books; I knew that every pragnancy was different... yet I still somehow thought that I would be just as lucky this time. I dunno like I thought I was a pro at this or something.
Let me tell you what. I am not. I feel everyday....what is up with that?
I have the wost gastritis in the world.
My pants are already too tight.
My bra size has increased to some stupid size you can't even find in a regular store.
I am so tired.
I have headaches all the time.
I have already had a cold.
I can't sleep at night nor can I lie on my tummy. (did I mention I was only 9 weeks along)
Everything I eat upsets my tummy.
I actually have static butt pain, which I read about but was like.. 'Pfft Yeah Right.'
I am constently too hot or cold.
and at age 26 Fiber has become my best friend.
The worst part is that I have to get up every morning and act like I am fine because I have not told my boss yet. (I am so not looking forward to that converstaion) Oh yeah that and coming home from work, tired , exhausted, frustrated and stressed and watching Ryan enjoy a few beers. Waahhhh. I want one too.
Now, I do fully realize that in the end it as all going to be worth it. I love the idea of carrying around my little babe for the next 31 weeks and then finally meeting him/her. I am over the moon about being pregnant. But seriously pregnancy give me a break.
Thanks for listening. In the daily routine of walking around acting happy and healthy and normal it is nice to vent to my few blog peeps.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sick Days
11:49 came and the puking began. It continued every 25 minutes to an hour until 5:20 AM. Of course being the total unprepared parents that we are there was no Gravol in the house at all. So at 5:25 I went to Shoppers Drug Mart (24 Hour store) to get some meds for the poor child.
Thinking I would run into no one at this hour I left the house in my pjs and a coat. Of course I would have to call the elevator when someone else is in it. How embarrassing. I mean my hair was a mess, I had not even washed my face. I had not slept much all night. You can imagine how bad I actually looked. It was rough. I said good morning and then retreated into the corner of elevator and refused to look anywhere but at my feet.
After having some medicine Rawley seemed much better. I stayed home with him and we spent the day catching up on sleep and watching cartoons. He was feeling better! Yay.
Rawley gets the stomach flu a lot!! He always has. This one was different though. There was no temperature what so ever and the puking was so violent and harsh. At this point I ruled out the flu and tried to figure out what else would have made him sick. Pizza! We had an all meat pizza for dinner the night before and the pizza was burning so it was taken out of the oven early. It never had a chance to reach its recommended internal temperature. Rawley got sick from eating raw meat.
Thinking he was fine we did not give him anymore Gravol that night but that proved to be the wrong choice as he got sick twice more. At this point I was slightly concerned and wondering if he needed medical attention. But by 3:30 the puking had stopped and we were all able to get some sleep.
Rawley was more than fine yesterday, full of energy, eating tons of food and not feeling the slightest bit ill. That meant today he was allowed to go back to school and Ryan and I could both go to work.
2 nights with little sleep
15 trips to the bathroom to wash out the bucket
6 loads of laundry
1 days each missed of work
2 days of school missed (1 popcorn day, 1 hot lunch day)
2 packages of Lipton's Chicken Noodle soup.
our life is back to normal.....or what we consider normal anyway.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pictures of Christmas Past
{ Rawley at 5 months }
{ Rawley age 3 }
Monday, November 16, 2009
A weekend of Nothingness.
So, he was told that he would be grounded to his room all day Saturday. I did however let him to go soccer in the morning because if he did not show up he would be letting his team down. So as soon as soccer was over off to his room he went. By the end of the day though we were realizing that our discipline was not working.
I went in to check on him and his room was a mess. He was told he would have to clean it or he would be grounded to his room again tomorrow. To this he replied, "That's okay, I just want to stay in my room tomorrow anyway". Uh Oh! So he did not finish cleaning his room.
He did however decide Sunday morning that he no longer wanted to stay in his room so he cleaned up pretty good, but because his attitude had not changed much he was grounded still but allowed to leave his room. He was not allowed any Wii or computer though.
I think we are going to have to find another form of discipline as it turns out Rawley likes a quiet - stay at home - weekend every once in a while.
The second reason we stayed home was because I have been sick and I needed to rest and stay warm in hopes of getting better. Good news: I am over my cold. Bad News: I think I have a sinus infection. You know when your eyes are watery and gooey and itchy? And your nose is kinda stuffed but more just sore. Then there is the pressure behind your nose and eyes. Then the pain that works its way to your ears? Yup that! That's what I have.


Rawley did play with his Globe a lot this weekend. He does the quizzes on it. He has a certain amount of time to locate each ocean or continent it says. He has a lot of fun and is learning too.
Friday, November 13, 2009
What, No NeoCitron?
I woke up Wednesday with a terrible head cold. It is awful. I couldn't remember what I am and am not allowed to take during pregnancy so I went to search my books. Turns out I can't take much of anything. Vicks Vapour rub and 8 oz. of water every hour. Yeah that's right 8 oz. every hour!!! If I am awake for 16 hours that's 16 cups of water. A gallon of water a day. That is a lot of water. So I no longer pee frequently, instead I just live in the bathroom.
I think the hardest thing for me to accept is that I cannot have NeoCitron. It is always my crutch when I get really sick. It tastes good, and makes me feel so good and is sleep inducing.
On a good note a cold is all I am going to come down with for now. No H1N1 for me. Yesterday I went to the Vaccination Clinic and got my shot. I was happy to arrive on my lunch and see no line up at all. But wondered if people maybe just did not know it was happening. The nurses that were there were very nice but they were reading off last week's information notice and thought I was not eligible to be vaccinated yet. I caused quite a stir after I told them they were wrong. After much searching they found the correct sheet for this week and agreed that I was eligible. They were also grateful for the info because they could have been turning away people that should have been getting it.
I am so happy it is a slow time of year at work. I didn't want to call in sick and waste my sick days but I don't really want to have to do much either. So, I will half-ass my way through today and then have the weekend to rest and get over this cold. Thank you to crappy weather that prohibits outdoor painting and to Fridays. Ahhh.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I Love Soccer


Soccer life certainly has it's ups and downs. Overall all the ups outweigh the downs. Rawley is loving soccer so much and he is really good. He made friends instantly on his team and enjoys spending time with them. We have some pictures but have not had great weather to take the video camera yet. It has been pouring rain and cold most days so far. I do intend to get some video though even if it is just from practice because Rawley cracks me up. Every time he is touching the ball, near the ball or near another player he is giggling. He enjoys himself so much that the experience actually makes him giggle. It is the cutest thing ever.

We don't get to be involved in Rawley's school life much which makes it hard to meet other families and talk with other parents. I think because of this Rawley has never been to a friend's house or had anyone over. I wish I had time to go pick Rawley up from school and hang out with the other moms or dads to chat. Soccer has been a great way to do this. I feel that already after a few weeks we have formed friendships with the other moms & dads. We all sit or stand together at games and cheer each others kids on. We also have time to just chat and relate stories. I really enjoy this.
I never thought it was possible but Rawley has found someone his size on his team. I am sure they are the shortest players in the whole league but they sure are cute. I don't how his mom would feel about me using his name so we will call him 'Tom'.
Last week after practice Rawley was invited to Tom's birthday party at Castle Fun Park so he spent a week and a half excited. Yesterday was the big day and it was a tons of fun for all involved. I even had fun, which is hard to believe because Castle Fun Park usually stresses me out big time.
It was fun to socialize with people outside of soccer. We got to watch all the kids have a great time while we talked among ourselves. Raweley has asked Tom's mom if he could go over there one day and the boys both seemed really excited about this. Now it is time to do my part and set something up so that Rawley can start enjoying friends the way all kids should.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Given the fact that I am 6.5 weeks pregnant should I be more concerned than I would normally be? I don't know. I feel that I overloaded my brain with information from Fraser Health, Public Health Agency, The Vancouver Sun, the radio station, my own doctor and friends.
I have an easily influenced personality. I know this is dangerous, but it can also be really confusing. What do I really think? I don't know, because my brain is so full of what everyone else thinks.
I know that I trust my doctor very much. He has been my doctor for more than 8 years and he is kind and caring and always has time for me. He has advised that I get the H1N1 vaccine. So I will. Whenever it may be available to me. Because I am not in the second half of my pregnancy I will have to wait until it is available to the general public.
Normally I am against flu vaccination. For healthy people anyway. I am also against using all anti-bacterial cleaners. I think that having a completely sterile environment is not healthy because we need a certain level of bad bacteria to make our immune systems stronger. This is also why I am a believer of the 5 second rule for most food. I don't expect you all to agree with me, I am just saying....
Anyway, I have gotten off track. Because I would normally not get a flu shot, I really was not sure what to do about this H1N1. But having heard from and seen those of you that have it I really don't want it. I feel crappy enough with morning (all day) sickness and gastritis I could stand to skip this ugly flu.
So, until the H1N1 vaccine is available to me I will continue to wash my hands a ridiculous amount of times, I will not share drinks or food, I will not kiss or hug those with flu-like or cold symptoms Including my own family. Sorry Boys!
Cheers to Craptacular Flu Season!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
I realize that Halloween is fast approaching. Last year we started Rawley's costume in the beginning of October and made it at home. He was the cutest little astronaut ever. This year we waited till the 26th and ran out to the store to pick one out. And now that is it the 29th we will carve pumpkins tonight. Why can I not get anything done in a reasonable amount of time?
This seems to be a theme for me lately. There is so much to do and so little time.

(my pumpkin from last year)