Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All Good Things Must Come To An End

We had a wonderful extended Easter weekend while Ryan's parents were out visiting. Time off work to enjoy family was wonderful. I unfortunately didn't take as many pictures as I was hoping to take. I always have the plan to take them and my camera is always in my purse, yet so often I forget.

Wednesday night we didn't do too much. I made stir fry for dinner and we relaxed and visited.
Thursday Rawley went to school, much to his disappointment, while Ryan and I took the day off to hang out with his parents. Ryan's mom had never been to an IKEA so we took a trip to Coquitlam and spent over an hour there. We followed that up with lunch at Sammy J Peppers and a visit to Rawley's school.

Thursday night Owyn came to visit them. We had dinner and then most of the adults played Wii. Owyn played toys on the floor and watched the adults flail their bodies around. He thought it was pretty funny.

~Mom & Dad playing tennis~

~Ryan vs. Mom~

~Rawley did pretty good, but I don't know who won~

~Owyn, the cutie, laughing at them all~


Knitting4fun said...

Thanks for the great visit! The pictures of our tennis 'match' are funny.


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