Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful List

So, I may be having trouble finding my half full glass, but Rawley is doing a great job. This is my favorite list he has done so far.

1. We looked at the science fair today.

2. Both our school teams made it to the final hockey tournament.

3. I didn't have toe jam today

4. We had gym today at school

5. Mom played monopoly with me tonight.

6. We didn't have corn with dinner tonight.

I think these are all awesome. Although not 10 things as our goal is set at, 6 really awesome things.

Rawley you rock!


Leah Schouten said...

I like the toe jam one. Quite funny.

Knitting4fun said...

I love Rawley's list. Oh to be 7 years old and the fact that you had no toe jam can make you day. What a sweetie


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