Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our doctor's appointment with Rawley went well yesterday.

His doctor, who is amazing, was very understanding about our concerns and reasons for wanting Rawley on an extended release form of Methylphenidate as opposed to the multiple dose a day situation we are in.

He tried to get us a generic brand but because Rawley is a on such a small dose it is only available in Concerta. I am very thankful for medical through my work at this time because when we went to pick up his medication last night is was $140.00. Yikes.

Hopefully if Rawley reacts well on the medication and puts on a few pounds in the next few months we can put him on a generic brand that is a 2ml higher dose a day.

I am both happy and worried about starting Rawley on a new medication on a school day. I am happy because even one more day of worrying about whether he is getting his medication on time at school is too much for me. and I am happy because Rawley will not have to experience any ups and downs as one pill wears off before the next one is administered. However, I am a little worried as it is a new medication, technically the same drug but in a new form, and I am not there to monitor him and make sure all is well.

I will post tomorrow about how his first day went. Hopefully all good news.


Mum of 3 Wise men said...

The boys have been on concerta for years. I am so glad that Rawley is too. Not that meds for kids is a good thing but IT HELPS.


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