After the rude awakening we managed to have a very productive weekend. Saturday, after Rawley's swimming lessons, we spent most of the day at my dad's house going through things we left there when we moved out and stuff we have stored there because of lack of room at our house. After much categorizing we ended up with 2 huge garbage bags full, a ton of recycling, a bag of clothes for the MCC and 2 rooms full of stuff for our moving sale.
Now I have a week and a half to go through everything at our house and take what we do not need down to my dad's house for the moving sale. Moving sale is May 1st and 2nd in case anyone wants to come check us out. Everything from toys to furniture will be for sale at a very reasonable price. We need to get rid of many things before me move.
I may have worked a little too hard on Saturday with the bending and cleaning and lifting and moving. My body is not happy with me still 3 days later.
Sunday I tried to relax but we had a lot to do. Between grocery shopping, Rawley having a friend over, going to the new park at Mill Lake, playing Uno, having Owyn, the cutest nephew in the world, over for a couple hours, then watching America's Funniest Videos, I did manage to lay on the couch for an hour or so. Not all at once, but over the course of the day that sounds about right.
Once 8 rolled around I was sure I was going to get to to relax at least for a bit...then BANG SMASH BOOM. Before I could even get up to yell at Rawley for farting around the crying started. After much cuddles and crying and a lot of prying Rawley finally told me what happened. He was leaping from one end of the bed to the other and landed on his pillow then bounced/slipped off his bed head first into his table.
I gave Rawley a bag of ice and some Motrin and he layed back down. However, I couldn't stop worrying so I checked on him at least 4 times through the night.
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