Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

This morning I am waiting for a call from Rawley's school.

Monday morning I received a call from his Principal. She decided that we should talk and asked Ryan, Rawley and I to all come in for a meeting that day. I was happy that she seemed more concerned but unsure what had set her off.

I skipped lunch and left work early to make the appointment that day. Over all I am not sure how I felt about how it went. She had received a call from either the Ministry of Education or the School Board (I am unsure which one) but said that is not why she has decided to help. Someone had informed her that I write a blog and in it was a lot about my frustration with the school. Over the weekend she read my blog and felt bad about what was going on.

I have mixed feeling about this. In her defence my blog is public and I am well aware of that, which means I have to accept that anyone can read it at there own pleasure. In my defence I think it crosses a line of our professional relationship, me as a mother her as my child's principal. Even if she had read it, it may have been best to keep that information to herself. Now when I write about what is happening with his school I have to keep in mind that she is probably reading it and that is awkward for me.

I am, however, trying to see the good in it as some of my friends have pointed out. Something is being done now about the situation so I should be happy. Because I want the best for my child and I am tired of sitting on the sidelines watching his education and social development suffer, I will put aside my personal feelings on the subject and rejoice that the ball is now rolling.

The meeting with Rawley's principal was up and down. She did understand we wanted change but seemed to want to me tell her what exactly to do. The trouble is I don't know what to do. I know I want Rawley assessed and I want an IEP (Individual Education Plan) set up. I am not sure that she was really hearing that from me though. There was a lot of talk and I was busy trying to make all my points but I think somewhere along giving too much information I may have lost her. She apologized for letting the issue go so long and admitted that she could have maybe done more. She also said that she didn't really know what else to do...I have a hard time hearing this though because she has an entire school board above her that she could turn to.

Anyway, there were main point that upset me and main point that made me feel good.

One main point that upset me was that the school had noticed a few months ago that his meds were maybe not working anymore, but no one bothered to call us and tell us. The communication is so poor. We could have had him to the doctor sooner and he could have suffered a lot less bad days. WHY DID NO ONE CALL ME?

After thinking over the meeting I became more concerned. The following day there was a school board meeting and Rawley was on the agenda. I started to panic because this might be our one chance at being heard and I was not entirely sure that she was our best advocate. So, I made yet another call.

There is another individual who works at the school. I was told that she would be dealing mostly with us at and after the meeting so I thought I would give her a call in advance. I just explained that I was not trying to go behind the Principal's back, but I just felt I needed two different people to know what I want when that meeting starts. I just wanted to increase my chances that what we are looking for is what is going to get discussed. I explained my concerns to her and she was so wonderful. She also asked why I had not gone to her in the first place. To be honest I didn't know it was an option.

So attending yesterday's meeting were people from the district that had received my message through the ministry of my frustration. There was the principal who had heard what we were looking for, read my blog and seemed to have cared a lot more than before. And there was our second advocate from Rawley's school who had a better knowledge of the system, knew me as a child, and seemed to really understand my frustration.

I was told going in that the chances of an assessment this year is slim to none because their school is only granted 3 a year and all three have been done for this year. However, I still have some hope that something good can come out of this meeting.

Now sit and wait, sit and wait, sit and wait.


tina said...

Tammy.... you are such a wonderful mom and reading through all these stressful moments you've been having with the school system, I just wanted to let you know I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns and getting pushy when you felt you needed to! I'm always trying to remind people that it's the squeaky wheel that gets greased! sometimes you just have to be loud and agressive to get what you need even if it's not the usual way you do things! I'm crossing my fingers that you will be able to get more assistance and even if they won't be able to help with an assesment this year maybe it will be the first step to having things proceed much quicker for next year. I do think it's kind of weird feeling that the Principal read your blog but i'm hoping that whoever told her about it just did it for the sake of having her sit down and LISTEN!!

good luck and hopefully you'll hear something soon!


Tammy said...

Thanks Tina!!! :)


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