Friday, April 23, 2010

My Thankful List

~Sky outside my office~

1. I am thankful that it is a beautiful sunny day and my office is full of huge windows.

2. I am thankful that it is Friday. That means that it is Tim Horton's for breakfast day AND it is the last day of the week before a much needed weekend rest.

3. I am thankful that I slept well all night and only had to get up once to pee.

4. I am thankful my hands are not too swollen to where my wedding rings.

5. I am thankful that in 9 weeks and 2 days (if Nudge is on time) I will be able to reach my feet again.

6. I am thankful it is my dad's 58th birthday today and we get to celebrate with him tonight.

7. I am thankful that I am alone at the office and can sit back and relax a little bit.

8. I am thankful it is a pro-d day for Rawley and that he is back at his old daycare location. When I told him this morning where he was going to jumped up and down with excitement.

9. I am thankful for Jovana's phone call this morning and that she has a calling plan that allows her to call me free from the states because she has been my major supporter, confidante, source of information and cheerer upper the last few weeks.

10. I am thankful that I got to tidy the bathrooms a bit this morning because the maintenance man is coming to inspect the showers for leaks. As for the rest of the house.....meh..he can just close his eyes.

Happy Friday Everyone!!!



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