Which brings me to my next woe. I have a feeling that working up to my due date is going to become a distant dream. For health reason that I am not overly fond of sharing. It has become my reality that sitting for any period of time over 30 minutes is near impossible no matter how much Tylenol I consume. The only time I am not in pain is if I am lieing down...which makes me miserable.
Why do Monday's suck so much? If you can believe it, my Monday actually started to go downhill last night already. We had a overly rough day with Rawley. I don't know what to blame it on....... Could a late night Friday not have effected him till Sunday or did he maybe drop his pill instead of taking it in the morning. I have no idea but holy cow.
So last night ended in tears, a missed bed time snack, some yelling and a few threats. However, having missed his bedtime snack I woke up to the following at 4:30 something.... "Mom, if I don't eat something right now I am going to throw up"
Happy Monday!!!!
Rawley went and had an oatmeal bar but never went back to bed. When I got up at 5:30 to get Ryan out the door Rawley was already feeling quite feisty and argumentative. Oh Goody. By 6:30 when I got up to get ready for work it was full on war at our house. Which has led to a grounding after school accompanied by many many chores he will have to do. Glad Ryan is home with him and not me.
I would have thought that Saturday we would have a rough day as Rawley was up quite late on Friday. I was so worried about swimming lesson that start at 9:30am. Yet, Saturday was easy peasy. Rawley was in a good mood and did wonderful at swimming lessons. Now we kind of lucked out because 4 of the 6 kids in his class didn't show and that led to extra attention from the teacher and a lot of extra practice.
After Swimming we went grocery shopping which also went well, then relaxed at home for a bit before heading to Rogers to get some movies. We watched G-Force with Rawley and then Old Dogs after Rawley went to bed. All in all it was an excellent day following a late late night.
Now that I have whined A LOT... Here are some pictures of Rawley at swimming lessons. Where he is doing the front glide very very well. Starting to get the front and back float and able to be under water for long periods of time without freaking out. Good Job Rawley!!
~Rawley right after a front glide~
~Trying to hide from my camera~
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