Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Better Days Are Coming

The later part of my day was definitely better than the first half yesterday. Rawley & Ryan came to visit me at work. Ryan fixed the shelf in the photocopy room and Rawley sat at my desk and wrote me love note. With each love note he added a little word jumble for me. Later that night he learned that 'loves' does not have an apostrophe in it. I love my little notes and besides moving the one from in front of my keyboard I have left them up.

Rawley brought his report card with him yesterday when he came to see me. I was pretty happy with it. He got all threes & fours. Three is meets expectations and four is surpasses expectations. He did receive four twos though and they were all in behaviour related categories. This is an area of his life where he will always struggle and have to work hard. His reading is a little behind. I think he reads great but they say he reads a at an October level and he needs to be at a March level. I guess we will be working on that.

Last night I dyed my hair then watched Hockey and Curling with Ryan. Loungo did not impress me much but Jennifer Jones did. Go Jennifer! She has won all 7 of her games so far in the worlds. Top team right now.

Rawley and I did start out 'Thankful Books' last night. I have discovered it is very time consuming to have Rawley think of 10 things and write them down. Last night he did 6 and it took an hour. Tonight maybe I will write them down for him. Or he can write the first 2 then I will help. Two things that Rawley wrote that i really liked:

1. "I was not the one who threw the block today, I was the one that got hit"
This is sad for me because he got hit pretty hard and had to go to the medical room and get iced, but it is happy for me because it shows that Rawley is learning. He did not throw the block nor did he retaliate. It has been a long time that Rawley seem to always be in trouble. So for him to feel happy that he was not the one in the wrong shows he is learning. I am proud.

2. "Mom had a good day"
He did not know I didn't have a good at at work, as I didn't talk about it at all, but I let him read my list to help him get some ideas of how detailed or vague our lists could be. I wanted him to see what made me happy and that might help him find what made him happy. I love that what made him happy was that I had a good day. I felt the love!!!!!

Those were my 2 favorite ones, other included:
I got to play wii this morning with Jake
It was a gym day and I had fun
The Oilers are beating the Canucks...(that one hurts a bit)

Anyway, I think if we keep this up it may be a really good thing.


Lindsay said...

Aw, that is so sweet :) You have a keeper, that's for sure!


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