Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seattle Part 5 - Sunday Afternoon

After the zoo we headed for our Argosy Boat Tour of Elliot Bay. I was looking forward to this attraction as it would not involve any walking. Right before we got on board Rawley became quite nervous. The dock was bouncing up and down with the waves and he was concerned about how rocky the boat would be. Poor guy.

~ Rawley & I waiting to set sail~

~Canadian Naval Ship docked in Seattle~

~Space Needle~

During the hour long cruise we had a tour guide telling us about all the different places and cool things in Seattle. He was quite funny and very knowledgeable. I really enjoyed learning about Seattle. Just past the Space needle is Queen Anne Hill. Rich people started to build houses up there to escape the city a bit and while building the houses they often came across graves. So instead of having people come and dig up the graves during the day when it could be witnessed they hired men to come in at night, dig up the graves and rebury the bodies elsewhere. This shift became known as the graveyard shift. That is where the term started. So anytime you are working the graveyard shift at work you will now know why it is called that.
~These are Loser California Sea Lions~
Loser Sea Lions. So down on the beaches in California the Sea Lions are very greedy and each male Sea Lions wants to have all the women Sea Lions on shore to himself. If another male Sea Lion tries to steal his one of his girlfriends he will beat them up. So these are are a group of smaller Sea Lions that cannot get a date without getting the tar beat out of them. So they swim up here to our very plentiful waters and eat as much salmon as they can to get big and strong so they can go back to California and get a girlfriend. Others just come here to hide, eat & be lazy.
~Beautiful Seattle Skyline from Elliot Bay~

The Harbour Tour was my favorite attraction. I loved being on the boat. I enjoyed learning all the cool things about Seattle that you would not learn anywhere else. And I really enjoyed the guy that was doing the talking. It was just a really nice relaxing enjoyable activity to do. I highly recommend going on one of these tours next time you are in Seattle.
We grabbed a quick bit after the harbour tour and headed to the Museum of Flight. Every time we are in Seattle Ryan always wants to go on the double deck highway. We have tried twice to get on but got lost both times. So it was very exciting when we ended up on it to get from McDonald's to The Museum.
When we got to the Museum we did the Outside Air Park part first because it closed before the rest and it was looking like it might rain. There were 2 planes in the air park that we could walk through and some others that we could walk around the outside of. One of the planes we were allowed to walk through was an old Air Force One. It was pretty cool to be inside one of the most important planes (of its time).
~Presidential Conference Room~
There was a sign posted telling us who added what to the President's room. I can't remember their names but one of them had a Cowboy Hat rack installed, another had a cup holder...and I forget the rest. In my defence I was very tired and sore by this time and only sort of half paid attention and we moved from exhibit to exhibit.
~Rawley & Ryan leaving Air Force One~
~Rawley & I standing below a huge engine~
~Part of the original Boeing Factory~

~Ryan sitting in the cockpit of a......~

The first 2 rooms we walked through went over everything from the beginning of flying to planes in WWI & WWII. We learned about Aircraft carriers and shooting down hot air balloons. It was quite educational and had I not been so tired I would have read more. I must admit that towards the end of the 3 hour tour at the Museum I had lost interest in almost everything. I was so tired and so sore. A few of the rooms I did not even walk around in. I walked in, found a chair and waited for the boys. Rawley got to see the space travel exhibit where he watched videos of shuttle launches and played games where he had to land on the moon without crashing. He would have stayed there all day.
We did not leave Seattle till 5pm and still had to stop in Bellvue and at Target. We got a little lost on the way to Bellvue because our Tom Tom did not know where Fred Myers was (we had to meet a friend there for Rawley's hat that he forgot the day before). Then we stopped in Everett to eat dinner at Denny's. We finally got to Target around 7:30pm but they did not have the baby stuff we had wanted to buy. By the time we crossed the border at Huntington it was 10:15pm.
It was a long, crazy, busy, tiring weekend. We had ups and downs throughout but I am so glad we did it. We managed to get so much done it such a short time. I know Rawley will remember this holiday for a long time. He has already said it was the best weekend ever which makes at all worth it. It is now Wednesday and I have not recovered yet though. I think relaxed quiet days are in the cards for this weekend.


Ryan Walker said...

The plane is a SR-71 Blackbird

Tammy said...

Thanks Hun!


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