Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Ho Hawk?

This morning was much easier for Rawley to get up. Unfortunately I did sleep much so I was also up early. Yet, even though we were both up on time we were still running late. How does this happen? Where do all the minutes go in the morning while trying to get ready for work and (for the next 2 weeks) daycare?

As I was trying to finish up my makeup in my bathroom I could hear Rawley calling from is bathroom, "What about a ho hawk?" "Did you forget the ho hawk?"

I had no idea what he was talking about and in my haste obviously did not take the time I should have to calmly get him to explain. Instead I tried to ignore him at least until my makeup was done. Rawley is pretty persistent though.

Finally I figured it out. He wanted he hair done in a Faux Hawk. This actually worked out to my benefit because I told him that he would have to hurry and get his teeth brushed, jacket on, shoes on, and backpack ready and then if there was time I would do it for him. It was the fastest Rawely had ever moved in the morning.... he still forgot to put on his shoes mind you.

While doing his hair we had to have the discussion of why it is called a faux hawk. I explained that faux means something is not real or genuine, it is usually used to describe something that is an imitation or appears real. He does not have a real Mohawk because the sides of his head are not shaved, but his hair still looks like a mohawk. I used the example of faux fur. I explained that there is material out there that look like real animal fur, but it is not so we call is faux fur. He replied, "oh I get it like Faux Gold." Then I had to tell him that no in that case we call it fools gold. "why?" I have no idea why .. because we like to take a little bit of words from every language and mix it all up and use them at different times even though they kinda mean the same thing.

I am not sure when it happened. I am not sure how it happened but at some point along the way the questions Rawley asks have begun to make me look really stupid. I miss the old days when the question where simple like, "What does a cow say?", "What colour is this?", "Do apples grow on trees or bushes?".

Not questions like, "How many hours are in 50 years?", "Where does the stuff go that falls into the black holes?", "How do I become an astronaut?", "Where in your body is your soul?", "If a mom has blue eyes and a dad has green eyes, how does the kid have brown eyes?".... This last one I actually know the answer to, but explaining it to a 7 year old is not easy.


Knitting4fun said...


You did a great job on it

Mum of 3 Wise men said...

Tammy, are your sure Rawley doesn't have aspergers? Sounds like a miniture Daivon. But I will help you out. Tell Rawley that science gave us calculators and that he needs to figure out how many days are in 50 years, then take the days and times it by 24 and thus he will get his answer. Question 2: A black hole is exactly that a hole so the items that go inside disappear. Watch the new Star Trek move great explantion. Question 3: Goole it Question 4: Ask God. and finally Genetics.

Hope that helps. Love the hair. Elijah is getting excited to see rawley.


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